But West Side Story is both a darling classic of the stage and a beloved 1961 film that has won numerous Oscars. Expectations are therefore dizzying. How qualified then, really, Is Elgort for this role? Her teen idol The fault in your stars fandom alone will not be enough to help him here. (Especially, at age 24, he is no longer a teenager.) Well, Elgort knows how to sing, there is no doubt about it. Even if Spielberg decides to capture the song in this live version, Elgort is ready to take up the challenge. Here, he hums in nature from 1:12.
And can he dance? Well, the original movie Tony, Richard Beymer, his toes were barely shining, so I'm not sure that's a big problem here. But should Spielberg asks Elgort to jump on the streets of New York, the actor is qualified. He debuted as a ballet dancer and graduated from high school performing arts at celebrity.
Baby Driver Let us also know that Elgort looks great in Tony-esque sneakers, jeans and a bomber jacket. So, what else is there to worry about? Well, according to Billboard, Spielberg spent almost a year looking for his Tony, auditioning thousands of people in a hunt that many would have thought would lead to a stranger in the lead roles. There is still a good chance that this will happen, especially with regard to Riff, Bernardo, Anita and a Maria promised by Spielberg. This time, they will not be laundered like before Natalie Wood. Brownface in 1961.
Anyway, wait for Elgort, a social media expert, to document every step of his choreography on his journey to Tony's tragic end.
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