"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Targeted by Russian Trolls, Study Shows


An academic article reveals that half of the criticisms directed against director Rian Johnson were motivated by political considerations.

Fact Star Wars: The Last Jedi destroy the franchise and permanently break the fandom as his critics (melodramatically) accused him of doing it? According to a new scientific article by researcher Morten Bay, the answer is clearly no.

The paper, entitled Weaponizing The Haters: The Last Jedi and the Strategic Politicization of Pop Culture Through the Manipulation of Social Media, reviews the online response to the 2017 report The last Jedi, a film that ended up being considered controversial by all fans of the franchise.

Bay suggests that the reputation is not earned and prefers to "find evidence of deliberate and organized measures of political influence, disguised as supporters' arguments," as he wrote in the summary of the document. He continues: "The likely goal of these measures is to increase media coverage of the conflict between fandom, adding to the spread of a discourse on widespread discord and dysfunction in American society. Persuading the voters of this story remains a strategic goal for the American "right" movement, as well as for the Russian Federation.

The paper analyzes in depth the negative online reaction, which is divided into three different camps: those with a political agenda, the trolls, and what Bay calls "real fantasists", which he defines as authentic. Star wars Fans were disappointed by the movie. His discoveries are fascinating. "Overall, 50.9% of those who tweeted negatively [about the movie] was probably politically motivated or not even human, "he writes, noting that only 21.9% of the tweets analyzed about the film were initially negative.

"A number of these users seem to be Russian trolls," he wrote about negative tweets.

In addition, he suggests, complaints about the politicization of the franchise by Lucasfilm by many disgruntled fans say more about the fans than the treatment of Disney or Lucasfilm. "[S]When the political and ethical positions presented in the new films are consistent with the older films, it is more likely that the polarization of the Trump era has politicized the fans, "he said. "The political discourse that divided the study period and the months that preceded it probably gave these fans a particular kind of political messages in direct conflict with the values ​​presented in The last Jedi. "

In response to a tweet announcing the publication of the newspaper, The last Jedi director Rian Johnson shared the tweet, adding, "I can not wait to read it, but what describes the top of the page is my online experience."

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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