An employee of Dunkin Donuts pours water on a homeless man


A video showing a Dunkin 'Donuts employee pouring water on a homeless person sleeping at a table in the store went viral after being posted on Facebook on Sunday.

The incident took place in Syracuse, New York, and the employees were suspended from their work.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop sleeping here?", Explains the employee in the video, just after pouring a bucket of water on the young man, who is resting his head on a table while charging his mobile phone. The employee then said that he would call the cops unless the man, identified as Jeremy Dufresne, left the store.

Kimberly Wolak, owner of the Dunkin 'Donuts franchise, said the two employees involved in the incident had been suspended until a thorough investigation was conducted in a statement obtained by the Daily News. Wolak also indicated that they would contact Dufresne to apologize for the way he had been treated. The incident seems to be happening Sunday night when downloading the video. He has since collected more than 900,000 views.

For his part, Dufresne said he sometimes went to this Dunkin 'Donuts site to warm up and charged his phone to call his mother to say goodnight, which he does every night, according to .

"He probably had personal problems and needed to talk to someone," Dufresne told "And he's caught up with someone else, like me."

Al-Amin Muhammad, a local homeless advocate, who runs the We Rise Above The Streets program, rallied some 20 protesters who went to Dunkin 'Donuts to protest the treatment of Dufresne, Syracuse reported. com.

A GoFundMe campaign was launched for Dufresne soon after the video went viral. Up to now, he has raised much more than his initial modest goal of $ 150, reaching over $ 3,000 in 11 hours.

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