The FAA investigates after a state police helicopter flies over the United States


An investigation by a US police helicopter over a Penn State gates control group on a parking lot outside Beaver Stadium is under investigation, according to a Federal official Aviation Administration.

The helicopter was in the air before the Nittany Lions match against the Ohio State Saturday. The video captured by people on the ground shows that the helicopter was low enough to send flying objects.

State police stated that they had been summoned to the party when it had begun to escape. According to a statement from the state police, the border guards ignored police orders on the ground to disperse.

State police said that the crowd had begun to become unruly and that the helicopter had been called as a result of the injury of a soldier and that two police horses of the ## 147 ## State had been assaulted.

When the helicopter was low enough to send objects in flight, he parked, said the state police.

According to state police, at least one rootstock would have been arrested.

The following is the full statement of the Pennsylvania state police on the incident:

"The Pennsylvania State Police was called in to help with a large-scale party that was out of control, creating a risk to people and property. First, the guards ignored orders to disperse law enforcement on the ground.

"Then the PSP staff was deployed, including the Tactical Mounted Police Unit of the State of Pennsylvania.The crowd began to become unruly and two PSP horses were assaulted and a soldier Land units retreated in an attempt to defuse the situation.

"Following this incident, the Pennsylvania State Police Aviation Unit was called in. A helicopter was used to give dispersal orders by loudspeaker. on the scene found that the helicopter was low enough to disturb objects on the ground, it is a higher altitude.

"The Tactical Onboard Unit of the PSP and the Aviation Section regularly provide assistance at events such as this one, where large crowds are expected."

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