Latest news: Nobel chemistry results "used today, every day"


STOCKHOLM (AP) – Latest news on Nobel prize winners (local time):

4:55 p.m.

Dr. Wayne Marasco of the Boston-based Dana-Farber Cancer Institute said the laboratory technique developed by new Nobel laureates George Smith and Gregory Winter was "revolutionary … and is used today every day ".

Marasco said he used it daily as part of his own research on the development of therapies using antibodies, blood proteins that fight disease.

Both winners exploited viruses called phages that infect bacteria.

Smith, from the University of Missouri in Columbia, has shown that inserting DNA into these viruses would make them display proteins bound to this DNA on their surface. Winter, from the MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory in Cambridge, England, adapted his approach to create antibodies targeting targets related to a disease. In a process mimicking evolution, Winter introduced mutations to progressively improve the binding of antibodies to their targets.

Marasco said that this technique allows scientists to track millions or even billions of antibodies for their ability to grab a target like a protein on the surface of a cancer cell. This makes this screening much faster and more efficient.

Frances Arnold of the California Institute of Technology shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry Wednesday with Smith and Winter.


4:15 p.m.

Greg Winter, a British scientist who shared the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, said that a meeting with a cancer patient had made him aware of the importance of his work.

S addressing reporters Wednesday, Winter, 67, recalled a moment early in his career when he visited a woman who was then receiving her experimental antibody treatment. Although Winter did not know if the treatment would work, the patient was grateful for the extra time she would spend with her husband, who was also ill.

Winter, who shared the award with two other scientists for his work on the directed evolution of antibodies, said that he later realized that there was an "imperative to ensure that "what has been produced can be used for public purposes".

The patient responded to therapy but died while she did not have enough resources to continue treatment.


3:15 p.m.

Frances Arnold of the California Institute of Technology is the fifth woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry since the first distribution of prizes in 1901.

The first winner is Marie Curie, who was honored in 1911 for the discovery of radium and polonium. Twenty-four years later, Curie's daughter, Irene Joliot-Curie, was recognized, along with her husband Frédéric Joliot, for the synthesis of radioactive elements.

British scientist Dorothy Hodgkin was the next winner in 1964.

After 45 years apart, Ada Yonath (Israel) was one of three winners in 2009.

Canada's Donna Strickland has become the third female winner in physics and the first in 55 years.

Several women have won awards in the fields of medicine, literature and peace, but only one woman – the American Elinor Ostrom in 2009 – received the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics.


2:45 p.m.

An expert in chemistry said the search for Nobel laureate Frances Arnold "has really allowed many chemists to think about how we can make proteins and design proteins to achieve fascinating chemistry."

Matt Hartings, associate professor of chemistry at the American University of Washington, D.C., said that "his work is amazing."

Arnold from the California Institute of Technology on Wednesday received half of the 9 million crowns ($ 1.01 million), the other half being shared by George Smith of the University of Missouri and Gregory Winter's laboratory. molecular biology of the MRC in Cambridge, England.

Hartings explains that Arnold's "made it possible to make these really extravagant chemicals in record time." He explains that his approach to directed evolution has greatly helped chemists to ensure that enzymes do inimitable work, as for industrial purposes.

Hartings said that the recent development of an enzyme capable of promoting chemical reactions involving silicon was a surprising achievement, "completely crazy."


1:10 p.m.

The scientists applauded the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, stressing that it highlighted the practical role that chemistry plays in our daily lives.

Carol Robinson, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry of Great Britain, explains that the award shows how chemistry contributes "to many areas of our lives, including pharmaceuticals, detergents, green catalysis and biofuels."

Robinson said Wednesday that the directed evolution of enzyme and antibody technology "is currently transforming medicine".

Douglas Kell, professor of bioanalytical sciences at the University of Manchester, said the award was "fantastic news. Really well deserved. Nobels usually go to people who develop methods that revolutionize practice or understanding. These methods are quite general and have done both. "



Nobel Laureate George Smith, attained at his home in Columbia, Missouri, was quick to pay tribute to the work of other people in his prize.

"Virtually all Nobel laureates understand that this prize has been awarded on the basis of many precedents, a large number of ideas and research that it exploits because it is in the right place at the right time, "he told The Associated Press.

"Very few breakthroughs in research are innovative. Virtually all rely on what has happened before. It's a coincidence. This was certainly the case with my work. Mine was an idea in a line of research that was built very naturally on previous lines of research. "

Smith said he learned about the existence of the prize during a phone call from Stockholm before dawn. "It's a classic joke that someone with a Swedish accent calls to say you won! But there were so many problems on the line, I knew it was none of my friends, "he said.

He said he had "no idea" of what he would do with the prize money. "We will give it, I think. But let's think about how we are going to do it. It's not just money, it has a meaning far beyond money. "

Smith, 77, has been a professor at the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Missouri for 40 years.



The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has stated that the three Nobel Prize winners of this year's chemistry have "harnessed the power of evolution" to develop enzymes and antibodies that lead to new pharmaceuticals and biofuels .

Frances Arnold, of the California Institute of Technology, received half the award for leading the first-ever directed evolution of enzymes, allowing for more environmentally-friendly manufacturing of chemicals, including drugs, and the production of renewable fuels.

George Smith of the University of Missouri and Gregory Winter of the MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory in Cambridge, England, share half the price. Smith has developed a new way to evolve proteins and Winter has used the antibody development method to produce new drugs.

The first drug based on these works is used against rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease, the academy said.



The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to two researchers in the United States and one in Great Britain.

Half of the price, worth 9 million kronor ($ 1.01 million), went to Frances Arnold of Caltech, Pasadena, for his work leading to the development of new biofuels and pharmaceuticals .

George Smith of the University of Missouri and Gregory Winter of the Cambridge MRC Laboratory will share the other half of the award. They have been honored for "phage display of peptides and antibodies".


6 am

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which rewards researchers for their breakthroughs in studying the combination and interaction of molecules, is announced Wednesday by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

The chemistry prize of 9 million crowns ($ 1.01 million) is the latest of this year's Nobel science awards.

Last year, the prize was awarded to American, Swiss and British researchers who developed a microscope technique allowing scientists to see in detail the molecules that lead life.

The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize must be announced on Friday. No literature awards will be awarded this year. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, honoring the man who has endowed the five Nobel laureates, will be revealed on Monday.

The award for medicine was awarded Monday to American and Japanese researchers. US, Canadian and French scientists shared the price of physics on Tuesday.


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