Christine Blasey Ford's lawyer calls Trump "Profile in cowardice" to make fun of his client


Following the president's rally in Mississippi, Christine Blasey Ford's lawyer called Trump's "cowardly profile" after he had openly and repeatedly made fun of Ford's testimony. By calling his allegations "false" and questioning his credibility, Trump attacked Ford's allegation against Kavanaugh from several angles. "Think of your son," Trump told the crowd. "Think of your husband."

At one point, Trump played a dialogue, playing both Ford and the senators she heard last Thursday. He said, "How did you come home, I do not remember, how did you get there, I do not remember, where is the place, I do not remember. how many years? I do not remember anymore. " "To the applause, Trump continued to imitate Ford saying," I do not know. I do not know."

Trump then introduced Brett Kavanaugh into the picture, saying, "A man's life is in shambles.The life of a man is broken.His wife is broken.His daughters, who are beautiful, unbelievable Young children – they destroy people, they want to destroy people, they are really bad people. "

Michael Bromwich, one of Ford's lawyers, had a lot to say about Ford's derision by Trump. After the rally, Bromwich tweeted"A vicious, vile and soulless attack on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, is not it surprising that she was terrified to come forward and that other survivors of sexual assault are also terrified? by his courage He is a profile in cowardice. "

Ford has not spoken publicly since she testified before the SJC last Thursday. Kavanaugh has also kept a low profile since his appearance before the CJS, claiming that he has never sexually assaulted anyone.

While it may not be surprising for Trump to attack individuals at his meetings, Ford's mockery was in flagrant contradiction with the way he spoke about her in recent weeks. Less than a week ago, Trump called Ford a "credible witness," then told reporters on Friday afternoon: "I thought her testimony was very convincing and that she looked like a very good woman for me ".

And one day before the rally, Trump told reporters that he had only been respectful to Ford throughout the process. "With all this, you can not say that we have done anything other than being respectful, and me so," he said. "I respect his position a lot, I respect his position a lot."

Clearly, his opinion has changed. But Ford's lawyers are not only concerned about Trump's "cowardice" but also about the depth and scope of the FBI's current investigation into the charges against Kavanaugh.

According to CNN, Ford's lawyers on Tuesday sent a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray requesting a phone call and confirming that they had not received any contact or response from the FBI. In the letter, Ford's lawyers wrote: "It is inconceivable that the FBI could conduct a thorough investigation of Dr. Ford's allegations without questioning him, Judge Kavanaugh or the witnesses we identified in our interviews. letters. "

They also pointed out that several rumors circulated that the FBI had no intention of questioning Ford at any time. They wrote: "We hope this information is inaccurate".

Bustle solicited comments from the FBI.

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