Fethullah Gülen: a shot fired at an intruder in the Pennsylvania precincts | American News


Police were named in the Pennsylvania compound of Fethullah Gülen, the US-based Muslim cleric, accused by Turkey of instigating a failed coup d'état of 2016, after that. 39, a guard shot at an alleged armed intruder.

The security guard fired a warning shot as the person tried to enter the compound and the intruder escaped, said Gülen spokesman Alp Aslandogan. There were no arrests or injuries, he said.

"Only one shot was fired," Aslandogan said. "The person is gone. The incident is over for us. "

Gülen was inside his home in the compound at the time.

"He replied that the authorities should be informed and that everyone should fully cooperate with the investigation to find out what happened," Aslandogan said.

Several police cars from the state of Pennsylvania were seen around the secure compound and retreated to Saylorsburg in the Pocono Mountains, according to photographs shared online by local journalists.

The police, who left shortly after, did not respond to requests for comment. A local television channel, WNEP, reported that the police were still searching for the alleged intruder.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Turkish government accuse Gülen of orchestrating a coup attempt in July 2016, during which dishonest soldiers requisitioned tanks and fighter planes and bombed the country. Parliament. More than 240 people were killed in the violence.

Gülen denies the accusations.

His complex is monitored by a team of private security guards in uniform, some armed with handguns.

Erdoğan has repeatedly demanded that the United States extradite Gülen to Turkey, putting a strain on relations between the two NATO allies. Washington has asked for more convincing evidence of Gülen's involvement in the coup attempt.

An evangelical American pastor, Andrew Brunson, has been placed under house arrest in Turkey after authorities accused him of links with Kurdish militants and supporters of Gülen, an accusation he denied. This case has become a key issue in worsening diplomatic conflict between the two countries, which has resulted in sanctions on the part of the United States.

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