Soyuz is preparing to leave the station to bring back the crew of three people to Earth – Spaceflight Now


Members of the Expedition 56 crew gathered for a "cosmic sushi" meal earlier this week. From left to right: Drew Feustel, Serena Auñón-Chancellor, Sergey Prokopyev, Oleg Artemyev, Ricky Arnold and Alexander Gerst. Credit: Oleg Artemyev / Roscosmos

A cosmonaut and two NASA astronauts finished packing their Soyuz ferry on Wednesday and were preparing to leave the International Space Station on Thursday morning for a fiery descent into the Kazakhstan steppe to end a 197-day mission with four sorties in the air. 39, space, a full range of research and emergency repair of leaks.

With Commander Oleg Artemyev at the controls, flanked to the left by Flight Engineer Drew Feustel and to the right of Ricky Arnold, the Soyuz MS-08 / 54S space shuttle was to detach from the Poisk module facing the station space at 3:57. EDT (GMT-4) to launch a trip of three hours and 48 minutes to Earth.

Feustel, the outgoing commander of the Expedition 56 crew, surrendered the station's command on Wednesday to European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst, thanking the flight controllers and research teams of the Johnson Space Center of Houston, Moscow, Munich and Japan.

"Thank you to those who trained us and those who supported us in the space," he said. "With more than 350 surveys credited in this expedition, we should all be proud of our accomplishments. We would also like to thank our families for their support throughout this great adventure. Without their love and support, none of us would be here today. "

Gerst, a former German astronaut, thanked Feustel "for being a true leader. It was an honor to serve under your orders and it was fun at the same time.

"I wish my friends and teammates, Oleg, Ricky and Drew, a fantastic home and a soft landing," said Gerst. "We miss you so much here on Earth and we will miss you a lot here in the space."

After the decommissioning, Artemyev and Feustel planned to move the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft a safe distance from the space station before triggering the ferry's rockets at 6:51.

The four-minute combustion, in 39 seconds, is designed to slow the Soyuz by about 286 kilometers an hour, leaving the other side of its orbit in the atmosphere on a return path to Kazakhstan.

After half an hour of free fall, the three modules of the spacecraft will separate and the cabin of the central crew, the only one with a protective heat shield, will enter the perceptible atmosphere at an altitude about 100 km.

If all goes well, the descent module, suspended under a single large parachute, will set up at 7:45 am (5:45 pm local time) at a touchdown by a rocket, near the town of Dzhezkazgan. This would give a 196-day, 18-hour mission, covering 3,152 orbits and 83.4 million miles since taking off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on March 21st.

As always, Russian rescue teams were waiting near the house to help the three companies returning from the station back out of the cramped cabin as they began to readjust to gravity after six and a half months of flying in space.

After brief medical checks, all three will be transported by helicopter to Karaganda where they will be officially welcomed in Kazakhstan. From there, Artemyev will join Star City, near Moscow, while Feustel and Arnold will return to their home in Houston.

With the hit, Artemyev will have 366 days total time in space in two station visits. Feustel, a veteran of three flights, including a Hubble space telescope repair mission, will have recorded 226 days of altitude. Arnold's flights on two stations will be 210 days.

During their stay on board the station, the trio welcomed three teammates into his outpost – Gerst, Sergey Prokopyev, commander of Soyuz MS-09 / 55S, and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor – two freighters SpaceX Dragon, a Russian freighter Progress, a Northrup Grumman Cygnus. Supply ship and a Japanese cargo ship HTV carrying replacement batteries for the station's solar power system.

They also organized four outings in space. Feustel and Arnold made three trips in March, May and June to perform maintenance tasks. Artemyev joined Prokopyev in August to work on the Russian segment of the station.

Feustel has now traveled the space nine times, totaling 61 hours and 48 minutes, placing it third among the world's largest experienced space walkers.

The crew of Expedition 56 also faced a small leak in the Soyuz MS-09 / 55S spacecraft that led Prokopyev, Gerst and Auñón-Chancellor to the station in June. The leak was discovered in the upper module of this ferry, which prompted Artemyev and Prokopyev to quickly fix the problem, with a rag soaked in epoxy.

The leak appeared to be the result of a deliberately drilled hole in the side of the module, but an investigation is not yet complete. Dimitri Rogozin, managing director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, sparked controversy when he suggested that the hole could have been drilled on the ground or in space.

This resulted in a sharp response from Feustel during a media interview later.

"I can say unequivocally that the crew has nothing to do with this operation in orbit, and I think it's really shameful and somewhat embarrassing that anyone was wasting their time talking about any something in which the crew was involved, "said Feustel ABC News.

"The only thing the team did was react correctly, follow our emergency procedures, locate the leak and plug the hole," he said. "In doing so, we ensured the continued operation of the space station, as well as the ability of our crew to remain in orbit and continue to perform the remarkable work we are doing … on the International Space Station."

Prokopyev, Gerst and Auñón-Chancellor will have the space station for themselves until October 11, when Soyuz commander MS-10 / 56S Alexey Ovchinin and flight engineer Tyler "Nick" Hague will arrive six hours after the launch of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The Soyuz vessels are designed for crews of three people, but in this case, a cosmonaut specially trained to work with a new Russian lab module was removed from the MS-10 flight because of the delay in launching the lab.

Gerst and The Hague plan to release the six batteries onboard the HTV-7 freighter on October 19 and 25. This will pave the way for the long-awaited launch of the new commercial crew bins built by SpaceX and Boeing to end NASA's dependence, after the shuttle, on Russia's Soyuz for round-trip transport to the train station.

At the end of the year or early next year, SpaceX hopes to launch its Dragon Crew Ferry on an unmanned test flight to the station. The capsule should join the laboratory and dock autonomously with the outpost before returning to diving in the ocean about a month later.

Meanwhile, the crews of the station will continue to shuttle aboard the Soyuz spacecraft. On December 13, Prokopyev, Gerst and Auñón-Chancellor plan to return to Earth aboard the Soyuz MS-09 / 55S probe. They will be replaced by the crew of the Soyuz MS-11 / 57S, composed of Commander Oleg Kononenko, NASA astronaut Anne McClain and Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques. Their launch is scheduled for December 20.

Boeing hopes to launch its Starliner capsule on an unmanned demonstration flight early next year that will reflect SpaceX, with stand-alone rendez-vous and docking. If all goes well with these flights, the companies will continue their preparations for launching Dragon and Starliner crews on pilot test flights later this spring.

On 5 April, the Soyuz MS-12 / 58S spacecraft will send Oleg Skripochka, NASA astronaut Christina Koch and a guest astronaut from the Arab Emirate, temporarily bringing the crew of the laboratory to eight. Ovchinin, The Hague and the UAE crew member will return to Earth on April 15, leaving five people on board the lab complex.

It's about this time that SpaceX hopes to be able to engage the Dragon crew on its first pilot-run flight, taking veterans of the shuttle Bob Behnken and Douglas Hurley to the space station. . They plan to test various manual and automated procedures to see if the spacecraft is ready to begin routine crew ferry flights later in the year.

According to current schedules, Boeing could be ready to do the same with the first flight of its Starliner spacecraft at the beginning of the summer. Eric Boe, Nicole Mann and Chris Ferguson, Vice President of Boeing, Commander of the Shuttle's last mission in 2011, will also be on board.

NASA has already modified the Boeing contract to protect the extension option of the first crewed Starliner flight, making it a long-term operational mission in the event of significant delays in the commercial crew program. NASA can exercise a similar option with SpaceX.

Anyway, the latest Soyuz flight currently under contract with NASA-sponsored astronauts is scheduled for launch on July 24 when the Soyuz spacecraft MS-13 / 59S will lead Alexander Skvortsov, the Space Agency astronaut European Luca Parmitano and Drew Morgan of NASA in orbit. Two more Soyuz launches are planned before the end of 2019, but NASA has no space reserved for these missions.

The advent of US commercial crews will put an end to NASA's exclusive reliance on the Russians for the transport of its crews, but that will not end it.

The station needs at least one American astronaut and one cosmonaut on board to operate their respective systems. Due to the possibility of an emergency that could force a Soyuz or US commercial crew ship to leave early, two cosmonauts are expected to launch each year aboard an American spacecraft, while two astronauts fly aboard the Soyuz .

Thanks to this strategy, at least one American astronaut and one cosmonaut will be on board the station at any time, even if a medical emergency or other problem forces a ferry to leave earlier than planned.

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