Major emergency response at Sydney Airport after the emergency call of the United Airlines pilot


The airport was not closed during the emergency response and it is understood that the flights were not delayed.

60 minutes Journalist Liz Hayes was on board the plane, but told her colleagues at Nine News that she absolutely did not know that the plane had problems.

Passengers from other flights hardly noticed the incident.

"This is the first time I hear about it at the main entrance," Nine News told a passenger of another flight.

"Everyone was calm, no panic, no announcement, I can not explain it."

Another man told Nine News that he had noticed the emergency response while his daughter 's plane was leaving.

"It caught our attention, we were waiting for Qantas to leave, my daughter is going abroad," he said.

"Then we saw the trees, we said:" I hope our girls do not see it, it will scare them a little. ""

Low fuel reserves trigger an automatic emergency warning, Airservices Australia spokeswoman said, but the plane had enough fuel to land safely.

Flights from Los Angeles to Sydney take 15 hours. It is understood that fuel reserves may be low if there are strong headwinds.

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