Kamira Trent: 5 facts in brief to know


Kamira Trent


Kamira Trent was hailed as a social media hero for standing up to another woman who allegedly accused two women of speaking Spanish.

Kamira Trent was hailed as a social media hero for standing up to another woman who allegedly accused two women of speaking Spanish. Trent came in and started screaming at the woman, telling her to "leave these women alone!"

Trent heard the woman, identified as Linda Dwire, who told two Spanish speaking women to learn English and spoke aloud.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Trent screams the woman telling her to leave two Mexican ladies alone and stop harassing them

The film, viewed more than 500,000 times since its posting on Facebook by one of the harassed girls, shows Trent screaming against Dwire in an alley of a City Market food shop at Rifle, in Colorado, Monday afternoon.

"I call the cops. You leave these women alone! Get out! "Trent told Dwire in front of two Mexican women, Fabiola Velasquez and Isabel Marin, who spoke Spanish.

"You come from a generation that is destroying this country," Dwire replies.

"No, I do not, I have respect You do not harass people," retorts Trent.

"You're going to lose your country," Dwire said pointing his finger at Trent. "You know what, you're going to lose this country."

Trent, who goes off with the woman further down the aisle, can be heard screaming "You do not harass Hispanic women!" While the woman continues to tell her that she will "lose this country".


2. The altercation began after hearing two Mexican women speak Spanish and quickly became aggressive after interrupting their conversation


Dwire can be seen pointing at Trent, screaming as the two argue.

According to interviews with the women involved, Dwire heard two Mexican women, Fabiola Velasquez and Isabel Marin, talk to each other Spanish and stop to ask if women lived in the United States and if they liked the country. When women responded in the affirmative, Dwire told them to learn to speak English, her voice rising rapidly as the conversation intensified.

Velasquez, who has been in the United States for eight years, told BuzzFeed News that Dwire was aggressive and continued to put his hand in his face. Velasquez had her three children with her when the confrontation began.

Trent told BuzzFeed that she had heard Dwire say to Velasquez and Marin: "You are in America. You are in my country You can not speak Spanish here. You must speak English if you want to be in America. "

Trent finally called the police and Dwire was "arrested, taken to Garfield County Jail and charged with two counts of bias-motivated harassment, according to an affidavit relating to his arrest," reports BuzzFeed. She was released on bail and is scheduled to appear in court in November.

3. Trent first tried to defuse the situation, but eventually called the police while the argument was going on

Trent told BuzzFeed that she had first tried to defuse the situation by reminding Dwire that the United States was a free country and that women had the right to speak in the language of their choice.

"She has just been more and more angry. I was trying to get her away from both women, but she was not going to leave them alone, "Trent told BuzzFeed. "What she said and how she said it was wrong."

According to BuzzFeed, Dwire then told Trent that it was not his business and, after ten more minutes of argument, the argument degenerated into an argument and Trent called the police.

Carlos Cornejo, the arresting officer, wrote that on his arrival, he had heard Dwire shout "something that would have the effect of saying" that is what do not go to us "and" they should not speak spanish here ".


4. Social media users praise Trent for her intervention and thank her for defending the two Hispanic women against the "racist"

Thousands of users have flooded Twitter and Facebook with congratulations for Trent, thanking her for supporting the two women that Dwire was harassing. Trent's profile photo on Facebook already contains more than 400 comments from people around the world, highlighting their pride and appreciation for standing up to the "racist" woman.

Guadalupe Banda wrote: "Thank you for defending those who need it. We need more people like you.

Sheila Trevino said:A big thank you from a Mexican American in Seattle. You are a blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, "among hundreds of other comments praising Trent.

Similar publications have been published on Twitter, with people thanking her for "fighting racism and fanaticism".

"So proud that the person who resists this disgusting racist pig is from Colorado. Thank you #KamiraTrent, to keep our state a nice place for everyone, "wrote a user.

Another user wanted Trent to know how much she was appreciated for showing what a "true ally" looked like.

5. Trent Hugged Velasquez & Marin later and learned that she had already trained Marin's daughter with hers

In a Facebook commentary accompanying the video of the incident. Velazquez wrote in Spanish: "I never thought that would happen to me."

"Thanks to another girl (whom we did not know), she defended us and called the cops," she read. "I think that they took and arrested the woman who was bothering us. I've always seen these videos on social media and I got angry and today it was my turn. I can say that I felt a great feeling of helplessness. "

Trent told BuzzFeed that Velasquez and Marin had thanked her later in the evening and that she had "kissed all three". She later learned that she had already trained Marin's daughter next to hers in an extra-university volleyball team, according to BuzzFeed.

"It feels good to see someone born here defending us that way," Velasquez said.

Trent's profile is full of pictures of her family and her husband, and her cover photo shows a love of the Denver Broncos. She describes herself as having "green eyes, black hair" and her bio indicates that she "lives for my family but also lives fully in life, because you never know when it will end."

"Same shit day different! If you can not say anything nice … Do not say anything … Go in one hand and shit in the other that fills up faster, "quotes an (ironic) quote on his wall.

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