Track Palin, son of former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin, will spend a year in detention after arrests for assault


The eldest son of the old Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin He will spend a year in detention after a judge ruled Wednesday that charges of beating a woman's head had excluded him from a veterans' therapeutic program related to a separate assault case.

Track Palin, 29, has been charged with three attacks on people close to him in recent years. The last one was last week against a woman. Palin, a veteran who served for one year in Iraq, participated in a program to rehabilitate veterans after his arrest for assaulting his father less than a year ago.

Anchorage District Court Judge David Wallace told Track Palin that he had violated the terms of a plea agreement in the previous case and that he had to report to a halfway house at the end of the month.

The correctional service will determine whether he is serving his sentence at the halfway house or behind bars. The Anchorage District Attorney, Richard Allen, said that a jail sentence would be unlikely.

The judge could have chosen to let Palin remain in the Alaska Veterans Court, which gives eligible former members of the service the option of enrolling in mental health treatment instead of the A traditional punishment.

Before Wallace made his decision, Palin said he enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the program at Anchorage. He acknowledged that it was a challenge because he had to come from the Mat-Su Valley, about 72 km away.

Palin attended the hearing with his father, Todd Palin, who also spoke briefly in court, claiming that he wanted his son to be allowed to stay in the Veterans Court.

Asked if they wanted to comment before the hearing, Todd Palin refused. Track Palin said, "Pay me, I'll do it."

Track Palin was arrested Friday night after one of her acquaintances told her that she could not leave her home in Wasilla, took her phone and then hit her on the head, according to court documents.

The woman said the two men had fought on the phone and that Palin had let her go after she had shouted for help, according to an affidavit from the Alaska State Troopers. They said that Palin had told them that the two were discussing how they had said goodbye and that all the injuries that the woman had suffered were caused to herself.

Authorities say that he also spilled a table and threw his head back to a soldier while he was arrested. Palin is in jail and faces charges of misdemeanor including aggression, resistance to arrest and disorderly behavior.

Last December, Palin was accused of forcibly entering his parents' home and leaving his father, Todd Palin, to skin cuts in his head, authorities said. He pleaded guilty to a less serious charge in the Veterans Court.

Track Palin's arrangement provided that he was serving a 10-day prison sentence when he was finishing the therapeutic program and a year behind bars he did not do it.

Palin was also accused of hitting his girlfriend at the time in 2016, according to court documents. He pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm while intoxicated and the other charges were dropped.

Sarah Palin indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder may have been a factor in this case.

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