Ted Cruz says Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed in the Supreme Court Saturday | 2018 Elections


This is a story in development and will be updated.

PLANO – Sen. Ted Cruz said Thursday that he expected Justice Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed on Saturday in the US Supreme Court.

Before a rally in Plano, Cruz said The Dallas Morning News that he had not yet read the FBI's report on allegations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump's candidate, but that he would do it on his return in Washington tonight. He said that he did not believe that the testimonies of critical witnesses of the saga would change in relation to what they said to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate where he sits.

"We all expect the FBI report to be consistent with the testimony we've heard before," Cruz said. "Assuming that's the case, then I think we'll have a vote tomorrow to advance Judge Kavanaugh's appointment and I'm waiting for it to be confirmed at the Supreme Court on Saturday."

Christine Blasey Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, told the Senate Judiciary Committee that, at a meeting in high school in 1982, a drunken Kavanaugh had attacked her and that she had been arrested. she thought that he was trying to rape her.

The FBI interviewed several people, including three who, according to Ford, would have attended the party in suburban Maryland, where she reportedly told of Kavanaugh's attack, as well as another friend of the same name. The agency also spoke to a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, who claimed that Kavanaugh had exposed herself to her at a party at Yale when they were new.

The people named as witnesses, either in the party room or have been questioned by the FBI, said Cruz.

While Republicans hang on to a majority of 51 to 49 senators and five senators – including three Republicans – still not publicly declared, the chances of Kavanaugh's confirmation could largely depend on what the FBI discovered.

Cruz held a rally on Thursday at the Katy Trail Ice House in Plano. He is running for reelection against Beto representative O 'Rourke, D El Paso, in what polls show as a tight race. Cruz canceled other campaign events for the rest of the week to return to Washington on schedule.

O 'Rourke is also in the Dallas area this weekend for public meetings in several colleges in the area and other events.

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