FDA approves HPV vaccine for adults over 25


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The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of human papillomavirus or HPV vaccine in people over 25, saying there is evidence that even older people can be protected from cancer with the vaccine.

The HPV vaccine protects against various types of cancer, including cervical cancer, penile cancer, and head and neck cancer. It is normally given to adolescents and pre-teens.

"Today's approval represents an important opportunity to help prevent HPV-related diseases and cancers in a broader age group," said Dr. Peter Marks, FDA, in a statement. , Friday.

There is no evidence that the vaccine protects a person after they have been infected with HPV, which is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection.

"About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV," says the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. "About 14 million people get the infection each year.HPV is so common that most sexually active men and women will have at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives."

This is why the vaccine is normally given to children 11 years of age and older and adults in their early twenties. Multiple doses must be finished before people begin any sexual activity.

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