Venom has already set a box office record and it's only Friday


The critics were not nice with Venom, but it does not seem like it causes a lot of box office problems this weekend. If the Thursday night preview screenings are an indication of the long-term success of Venom, the movie will be fine. He reported about $ 10 million on Thursday night, which is a record for an opening in October, surpassing the previous record holder by $ 2 million.

Previously, the record holder for the October previews was Paranormal Activity 3 that brought in $ 8 million, but even though Sony's first estimates, as reported by Deadline, Venomtake last night are slightly off, and there is no reason to believe that they are, Venom beat it without sweating. He also did not see much competition from the other major release this weekend, A star is born which brought less than half of Venom The total of last night.

Of course, part of the reason for Venom The success of this product lies in the fact that it opens its doors in October. It 's not a normal month that comic books are open, but the numbers show that fans will go to see this type of movie anytime of the year if they wish. There is no need to limit successful films on tent poles in the summer or holidays. However, the fact that we have not seen a movie of this size usually open in October gives the film some success. VenomThe catch is good for October, but not necessarily at the same level as other major versions of superheroes.

This puts Venom in an excellent position for his opening weekend. The best opening weekend of October to date comes from Gravity who set up $ 55 million in 2013, with another space drama, The Martian to do almost as well a few years later with $ 53 million. With the best start for an October movie, it looks like Venom is well placed to take this title too.

It's also potentially good news for Sony in a broader sense, as there are a number of "Spider-Verse" characters ready to get their own movies. Venomsuccess here will help pave the way for others.

On the basis of this box office debut, it would appear that Venom is one of those films that is "critically tested". Initial reviews of Venom were not extremely positive, but that did not stop people from going to the theater last night. The only question is how much is the public to behold Venom independently of other opinions. It is possible that all the intransigeants left last night, although it is more likely Venom will experience the same success at least during its opening weekend, if not beyond.

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