Read the letter from Blasey Ford's witness after the FBI investigation on Kavanaugh – Quartz


The US Senate is expected to vote today (Oct. 6) on Brett Kavanaugh 's confirmation to the Supreme Court. But late last night, a letter to the body of Keith Koegler, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford and one of his corroborating witnesses, was released, in which he urged senators to "do what is right".

Koegler explains that he and at least seven other people having knowledge of the alleged sexual assault that occurred when Ford and Kavanaugh were in high school were not interviewed by the FBI as part of his investigation.

"The process by which the Senate Judiciary Committee" investigated "the facts of the attack is a shameless effort to protect Judge Kavanaugh," he wrote. "The fact that the FBI did not interview either Christine or Judge Kavanaugh in itself makes any claim that the investigation was" thorough "absurd."

Koegler had previously submitted to the Senate, on September 24, a letter explaining in detail an email exchange between him and Ford, in which she named Kavanaugh as his alleged attacker. This letter came shortly after the announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement, and more than a week before Trump, Kavanaugh was chosen by the Supreme Court.

"I have no power," wrote Koegler in his new statement. "I can only ask you to do what is right."

Read the full letter below:

Members of the US Senate:

I'm calling Keith Koegler. I am one of the corroborating witnesses of Christine Blasey Ford. For those of you who are not lawyers, the term "corroborating witness" is not synonymous with "eyewitness": a person may be a corroborating witness without having been physically present at the scene of the crime. Indeed, in cases of sexual assault, there are often no eyewitnesses.

Since I attended the hearing eight days ago, I have become increasingly concerned that honorable senators are aware of the importance of Christine's testimony in their haste to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. For memory:

  • I believe, with all the strength of my being, that Christine Blasey Ford testified truthfully about her assault on Brett Kavanaugh. I have the advantage of knowing Christine, but if you have seen her testimony and you have not found her credible, you know nothing about sexual assault.
  • The process by which the Senate Judiciary Committee "investigated" the facts of the aggression is a shameless effort to protect Judge Kavanaugh. The fact that the FBI did not interview either Christine or Kavanaugh J. itself makes it absurd that the investigation was "thorough". There are at least seven other people, known to the White House, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the FBI who was aware of the assault prior to the appointment, who was not questioned. I am one of them.
  • Here are some of the things the FBI would have learned by asking:
    • I have a copy of the thread between Christine and me in which she specified that Brett Kavanaugh was the judge who assaulted her while she was a teenager. We exchanged these emails on June 29, 2018, two days after the announcement of Justice Kennedy's retirement, before there was a shortlist for his replacement. It was not until July 9, 2018, that the Speaker appointed Judge Kavanaugh.
    • Christine accurately described the sequence of events that occurred in the following months, including her interactions with the Washington PostRepresentative Anna Eshoo and Senator Diane Feinstein. I know it because I have had regular contact with her during this time.
    • There was no "big conspiracy" to carry out a "political coup" against Judge Kavanaugh. It's always a woman who has a hard time making a bad choice: Suffering a brutal burden for herself and her family to fulfill a sense of civic duty and (eventually). Avoid spending the rest of your life looking at the face of the man who assaulted him in adolescence at the US Supreme Court or, alternatively, live in silence knowing that She could have made a difference.
    • Christine was afraid to fly all her adult life. Attorney Rachel Mitchell has repeatedly questioned the fact that Christine had been forced to take the plane, in order to undermine Christine's overall credibility. I could have provided the FBI with the names of at least half a dozen people who flew with Christine and can attest to the fact that she has panic attacks before flying away. . She controls these attacks with drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  • As Senator Flake had anticipated in a speech before last week's hearing, her coming forced Christine, her husband and their two sons to undergo treatment that no human being should have to suffer. A few hours after the publication of the first report, crowds of journalists settled at home, forcing the family (perhaps permanently) out of the neighborhood. The family has been subjected to an almost constant barrage of harassment, phone calls and attacks on social networks ("dying, fucking stupid"), many of which are clearly coordinated and many of whom threaten death. or bodily injury. Because of the attacks, Christine did not spend more than three consecutive nights at the same place. They had to call a security company 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they had to be transported from one place to another in secret. Christine has not slept more than three hours at a time since September 16th. She has trouble eating. She had to give up her teaching responsibilities for the semester. And the list continues. Maybe forever.

I have no power. I can only ask you to do what is right. Ask yourself if you would like to spend the rest of your life looking at the face of Brett Kavanaugh, the man who lied about Christine Blasey Ford's assault in adolescence, at the Supreme Court of Canada. United States.

Keith Koegler

Palo Alto, California

October 5, 2018

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