1600 scientists sign a petition against the "open discrimination" of a CERN physicist | Science


More than 1,600 scientists supported a campaign condemning the Italian researcher who claimed that physics was "invented and built by men".

They signed a petition in response to comments from Professor Alessandro Strumia of the University of Pisa, who stated that male scientists were discriminated against because of their ideology.

After making these comments during a presentation at Cern, the European nuclear research center in Geneva on September 28, Strumia was suspended Monday in the expectation of an investigation for its presentation "unacceptable ".

The audience, mostly female physicists, learned that he had been neglected for a role in favor of a woman and that anyone who spoke was attacked, censored or at risk of losing his job.

The signatories of particleforjustice.org wanted to "assert with the utmost firmness that the humanity of any person, regardless of his identities such as race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion , disability, gender presentation or gender identity is not up for debate ".

"The thin layer of scientific rigor with which Strumia's speech began was followed by open discriminations and personal attacks, which we condemn unreservedly.

"We write to strongly state our view that the scientific case presented by Strumia was fundamentally flawed."

Strumia told BBC News, who reported the controversy for the first time, that the high energy physics community was about 100 times larger than the number of researchers who put their names on the statement.

The signatories "come for the most part from the countries most affected by the politically correct," he said.

He also denied that the use of data in his presentation to CERN on women privileged for jobs in the sector reflects a bias.

"Data on citations and recruitments show that women are not discriminated against [against] in fundamental physics. We reward merit, regardless of sex, "he said.

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