Oh fleas, there is now an epidemic of typhus in Los Angeles

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Xenopsylla cheopis, Oriental rat flea with a proventricular plague mass, 1981. During feeding, the flea attracts viable organisms from Y. pestis into its esophagus, which multiply and block the proventricle just in front of the stomach, forcing then the flea to regurgitate infected blood to the host when he tries to swallow. Image reproduced with permission from the CDC. (Photo by Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images).

Fleas bite and are not trained in the pot. That's why there is now a typhus epidemic in downtown Los Angeles, as announced by the Los Angeles Department of Health.

here is a CBS Los Angeles news segment on the epidemic:

Since July, there have been 9 cases of typhus in Los Angeles, especially in Pasadena, which is an epidemic. This brings the number of cases reported for 2018 to 20 for Pasadena and 12 for Long Beach, California, as indicated by Dennis Romero and Andrew Blankstein for NBC News. For both locations, this is more than double what is normally expected. Yes, the past year has literally been crazier in the Los Angeles area and there are still three months left to go this year. How? Continue reading.

Note that this is not an epidemic typhus, which can be caused by the bacteria. Rickettsia prowazekii and spread by body lice or exfoliating typhus, which can be caused by the bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi and spread by chiggers (larval mites). Nah, it is a typhus transmitted by fleas or murine, which can be caused by Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia felis bacteria and can be spread by, you guessed it, fleas. It's called murine because rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) most often carry these bacteria, followed by cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis). Dictionary.com online dictionary defines Murine as "belonging or related to at the Muridae, the rodent family that includes mice and rats ". Therefore, if someone calls you "murine" or invites you to a "murine" party, pay attention.

Now, here is the shit. You can contract typhus when a flea infected with the bacteria stings you or your infected flea is rubbed in broken skin or mucous membranes like your eyes. In general, fleas do not use tiny toilets when they carry the number 2. They can simply "break a ball" on your skin. As if it were not coarse enough, they can bite you at the same time so that shit rubs in your wound, allowing any bacteria in their crap to access your bloodstream. Biting and pooping on you are not the marks of good guests, in most cases.

Once you are infected with the bacteria, the symptoms (if they occur) usually appear after 1 to 2 weeks. Symptoms may include sudden onset fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, abdominal pain or vomiting that usually last a few days. You can also develop a maculopapular rash, which corresponds to a flat and bumpy rash, a bit like Los Angeles. The symptoms can be so severe that you have to be hospitalized, which was the case for the 9 cases in Pasadena. Severe typhus can lead to liver, kidney, lung, eye, heart or brain problems, all very important organs.

If you are older or have a G6PD enzyme deficiency, you are at a higher risk of contracting a more serious illness. Fortunately, death occurs only in about 2% to 4% of untreated people. Until now, this outbreak in Los Angeles has resulted in no deaths.

In addition to rats and cats, possums can also carry the bacteria responsible for typhus. Fleas can catch bacteria by pricking these infected animals and then passing them on to you. (Photo by Suzanne Kreiter / The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Keep in mind that the number of reported cases, such as the number of "Hello Kitty" fans, is always less than the number of actual cases. It's not as if a notification appeared on your front, "you have typhus and 3 new tastes on Instagram" when you are infected. Many people may not realize that they have typhus, especially if they have no mild symptoms or none, and never consult a doctor. In addition, a doctor must recognize typhus and report it to public health officials so that a case is reported.

There is a treatment for typhus: the antibiotic doxycycline. Early treatment, as soon as symptoms appear, can help you recover quickly. But if you think you have typhus, see your doctor. Do not just assume that you have typhus because you are playing with flea poo, then you are taking antibiotics like it's about candy.

How do you prevent typhus? There is still no anti-vaxx vaccine to spread rumors and conspiracies. Instead, the California Department of Public Health has stated that "the key to preventing typhus transmitted by fleas is to avoid direct contact with fleas," which is of course perfectly logical. They also invite you to "discourage rats, opossums, wildcats and other wildlife from visiting or living near you". So, if you're going to have a party, scratch those rats and feral cats off your eVite list. In addition, do not leave food or garbage exposed outside, clean the vegetation around buildings, protect your pets against fleas. And do not let Garfield roam the neighborhood in search of fleas.


Xenopsylla cheopis, Oriental rat flea with a proventricular plague mass, 1981. During feeding, the flea attracts viable organisms from Y. pestis into its esophagus, which multiply and block the proventricle just in front of the stomach, forcing then the flea to regurgitate infected blood to the host when he tries to swallow. Image reproduced with permission from the CDC. (Photo by Smith Collection / Gado / Getty Images).

Fleas bite and are not trained in the pot. That's why there is now a typhus epidemic in downtown Los Angeles, as announced by the Los Angeles Department of Health.

here is a CBS Los Angeles news segment on the epidemic:

Since July, there have been 9 cases of typhus in Los Angeles, especially in Pasadena, which is an epidemic. This brings the number of cases reported for 2018 to 20 for Pasadena and 12 for Long Beach, California, as indicated by Dennis Romero and Andrew Blankstein for NBC News. For both locations, this is more than double what is normally expected. Yes, the past year has literally been crazier in the Los Angeles area and there are still three months left to go this year. How? Continue reading.

Note that this is not an epidemic typhus, which can be caused by the bacteria. Rickettsia prowazekii and spread by body lice or exfoliating typhus, which can be caused by the bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi and spread by chiggers (larval mites). Nah, it is a typhus transmitted by fleas or murine, which can be caused by Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia felis bacteria and can be spread by, you guessed it, fleas. It's called murine because rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) most often carry these bacteria, followed by cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis). Dictionary.com online dictionary defines Murine as "belonging or related to at the Muridae, the rodent family that includes mice and rats ". Therefore, if someone calls you "murine" or invites you to a "murine" party, pay attention.

Now, here is the shit. You can contract typhus when a flea infected with the bacteria stings you or your infected flea is rubbed in broken skin or mucous membranes like your eyes. In general, fleas do not use tiny toilets when they carry the number 2. They can simply "break a ball" on your skin. As if it were not coarse enough, they can bite you at the same time so that shit rubs in your wound, allowing any bacteria in their crap to access your bloodstream. Biting and pooping on you are not the marks of good guests, in most cases.

Once you are infected with the bacteria, the symptoms (if they occur) usually appear after 1 to 2 weeks. Symptoms may include sudden onset fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, abdominal pain or vomiting that usually last a few days. You can also develop a maculopapular rash, which corresponds to a flat and bumpy rash, a bit like Los Angeles. The symptoms can be so severe that you have to be hospitalized, which was the case for the 9 cases in Pasadena. Severe typhus can lead to liver, kidney, lung, eye, heart or brain problems, all very important organs.

If you are older or have a G6PD enzyme deficiency, you are at a higher risk of contracting a more serious illness. Fortunately, death occurs only in about 2% to 4% of untreated people. Until now, this outbreak in Los Angeles has resulted in no deaths.

In addition to rats and cats, possums can also carry the bacteria responsible for typhus. Fleas can catch bacteria by pricking these infected animals and then passing them on to you. (Photo by Suzanne Kreiter / The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Keep in mind that the number of reported cases, such as the number of "Hello Kitty" fans, is always less than the number of actual cases. It's not as if a notification appeared on your front, "you have typhus and 3 new tastes on Instagram" when you are infected. Many people may not realize that they have typhus, especially if they have no mild symptoms or none, and never consult a doctor. In addition, a doctor must recognize typhus and report it to public health officials so that a case is reported.

There is a treatment for typhus: the antibiotic doxycycline. Early treatment, as soon as symptoms appear, can help you recover quickly. But if you think you have typhus, see your doctor. Do not just assume that you have typhus because you are playing with flea poo, then you are taking antibiotics like it's about candy.

How do you prevent typhus? There is still no anti-vaxx vaccine to spread rumors and conspiracies. Instead, the California Department of Public Health has stated that "the key to preventing typhus transmitted by fleas is to avoid direct contact with fleas," which is of course perfectly logical. They also invite you to "discourage rats, opossums, wildcats and other wildlife from visiting or living near you". So, if you're going to have a party, scratch those rats and feral cats off your eVite list. In addition, do not leave food or garbage exposed outside, clean the vegetation around buildings, protect your pets against fleas. And do not let Garfield roam the neighborhood in search of fleas.

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