The underestimation of the combined threats of deforestation and wildlife trade will push birds in Southeast Asia


The combined impact of deforestation and wildlife exploitation on the number of birds is seriously underestimated and could lead to the extinction of some species, a study by the University of Sheffield National University of Singapore.

Scientists have focused on the Sundaland, high place of biodiversity in Southeast Asia, covering Borneo, Sumatra, Java and Peninsular Malaysia, where habitat loss, hunting and trade in wildlife are particularly intense.

By examining 308 species of forest-dependent birds, they found that a simultaneous examination of the loss of forest habitat and the trapping of birds in the region resulted in a much larger average population loss. than that taken separately.

The study calls for threats to biodiversity to be taken into account as a whole in order to implement effective measures.

The research, conducted between October 2016 and July 2017, also suggests that about 50 to 90 species dependent on the region's forests, such as the ruby-throated bulbul and the white-horned hornbill, will have disappeared from here. 2100.

Tropical forests are the most biodiverse ecosystem on a global scale. However, the significant loss of tropical forests mainly due to the expansion of agricultural land threatens the survival of forest species. Coupled with other anthropogenic disturbances such as logging, hunting and fires, the threat to biodiversity in these forests is magnified.

While the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) closely monitors the different forms of threats to wildlife, assessments tend to look at each form of threat separately. These threats, however, are interconnected and the combined impact could be more severe than currently expected.

The researchers focused their study on quantifying the combined threats of deforestation and wildlife exploitation in Sundaland.

"Recent extinctions such as pigeon fly and dodo exhibit common traits, such as the simultaneous combination of habitat loss and active hunting," said Dr. William Symes, of the National University from Singapore.

"This fatal combination of ingredients is present for dozens of unique bird species in the Sundaland. At current rates, the disappearance of forests and huge trapping pressures are likely to drive many species." between them to disappear in the near future. "

Their assessment revealed that 89% of the 308 species of forest-dependent birds studied had lost an average of 16% of their habitat due to deforestation. They also estimated that the exploitation of wildlife had resulted in a 37% decrease in the average population on average. .

Among the bird species studied, the researchers also identified 77 "commercially traded" species that are more commonly exploited. They found that the estimated average decline for these exploited species was 15.3% due to deforestation alone but, combined with the effects of exploitation, the estimated average decline was 51%, 9%.

In addition, the assessment of the combined impact of deforestation and exploitation in the study suggests that a total of 51 species should be listed as critically endangered. Extinction, endangered or vulnerable, almost double the number currently listed by IUCN.

David Edwards, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, said: "Our study highlights the importance of jointly considering the impact of major threats to conservation.

"Recent habitat loss and exploitation is leading to dramatic extinction risks for Sundaland's specialist forest species, without urgent political intervention to combat deforestation and slow down the amount of rain." Birds entering the cage bird trade, many species may disappear.

"Failure to consider these combined threats can result in major underestimation of threats in the IUCN Red List assessments."

The combined effects of deforestation, forest fragmentation and commercial exploitation are not unique to Southeast Asia. Changes in land use and wildlife trade are driving the decline of parrots from Latin America, Africa and Asia.

"Our combined threat assessment technique can be applied to other tropical forests facing similar threats, in order to facilitate the development of effective conservation policies." Commercial exploitation and slowing down deforestation, for example, may limit the extinction of bird species, "Roman Carrasco Assistant Professor of the National University of Singapore added.

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The disappearance of species outside protected areas

More information:
William S. Symes et al., The combined impacts of deforestation and wildlife trade on tropical biodiversity are seriously underestimated. Nature Communications (2018). DOI: 10.1038 / s41467-018-06579-2

Journal reference:
Nature Communications

Provided by:
University of Sheffield

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