One-third of Supreme Court men are now charged with sexual misconduct


With Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, one-third of men who have the last word to interpret the laws of the country are now charged with sexual misconduct.

The Senate voted to give Kavanaugh a lifetime appointment to the country's highest court on Saturday, despite accusations of misconduct by several women. In particular, Professor Christine Blasey Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in adolescence, locking her in a room and laying her on a bed.

Kavanaugh joins Clarence Thomas, who has been sitting on the bench since 1991. He is present even though Anita Hill testified to having sexually harassed her while she was working for him. In 2016, another woman spoke out and said that Thomas had fumbled at an official dinner in 1999.

Shaunna Thomas, executive director of the progressive group UltraViolet, said that, with Kavanaugh's confirmation, "the Supreme Court will become another tarnished institution, where women will not feel they are being heard in an equitable manner. ".

"The fact that our culture and politics are silencing and shaming survivors while elevating perpetrators to positions of power and prestige FOR LIFE is exactly why women are so angry," she said. -she adds.

Kavanaugh replaces Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who has nonetheless often played a key role in pivotal voting on issues such as women's reproductive rights. The right field now has a solid majority for years to come, with the ability to score areas such as abortion, equal pay and discrimination. And he will be anchored by two men accused of mistreating women.

Kavanaugh and Thomas both denied the charges. The new composition of the tribunal represents a great victory for President Donald Trump, who must also deal with allegations of sexual misconduct from a number of women.

The struggle for confirmation galvanized women across the country, who traveled to Washington to protest Kavanaugh's confirmation. Many women were also inspired by Ford's testimony and spoke of their own sexual assault for the first time.

On the eve of a Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice, activists and angry citizens

Andrew Lichtenstein / Getty Images

On the eve of a Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice, furious activists and citizens are heading to the Supreme Court to demand that he not be confirmed.

Protesters gather Thursday inside the Hart Senate office building for a rally against Supreme Court President Brett Kavanaugh

Matt McClain / The Washington Post via Getty Images

Protesters gather Thursday inside the Hart Senate office building for a rally against the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Many protesters were arrested by the police.

"Republicans are not and have never been interested in the truth about Brett Kavanaugh's history of sexual assault and lies," said Kaylie Hanson, spokesperson for NARAL Pro-Choice America. "They represent excuses to defend or defend powerful and abusive men, if it means having the opportunity to impose their ideology. We saw that with Clarence Thomas too. Republicans want to empty Roe v. Wade and criminalize abortion, repeal the Affordable Care Act, remove LGBTQ rights, decimate the law on voting rights and affirmative action. "

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