Obama AG Eric Holder calls into question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court after Kavanaugh's confirmation


Attorney General Obama Eric Holder reacted to Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court on Saturday by questioning the legitimacy of the court and saying that it must regain the confidence of the court. the nation.

Holder – who was the country's chief advocate under former President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2015 – said the treatment of former Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland by Senate Republicans , as well as Kavanaugh's confirmation, meant that the legitimacy of the court was in doubt. .

"With Kavanaugh's confirmation and the process that led to it (and Merrick Garland's treatment), the legitimacy of the Supreme Court can rightly be questioned," he tweeted. "The Court must now prove – by its work – that it deserves the confidence of the nation."

He did not say how the court would do it.

The Senate voted 50-48 in favor of Kavanaugh's confirmation on Saturday after a tough confirmation battle and a week-long investigation by the FBI to resolve concerns over allegations of sexual assault that threatened his appointment. It was the tightest Supreme Court confirmation vote in more than 100 years.

The Democrats, who had expressed concern about Kavanaugh's allegations and temperament and criminal record, also frequently cited the case of Merrick Garland, demanding that the nomination be delayed or withdrawn altogether.


Obama appointed Garland to the post of judge Antonin Scalia after Scalia's death in early 2016. The Republicans however held the Senate and refused to hold hearings for Garland, saying he should wait until after the 2016 election. When President Trump took office in January 2017, he appointed Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Democrats have accused Republicans of "stealing" a seat owned by Garland, while Republicans have stated that there is a long tradition of non-confirmation of candidates in a presidential election year .

Holder had discussed on Friday in a tweet the controversy over Garland as a way to urge the Democrats and leftist activists to surrender in November to vote.

"When you deplore Merrick Garland's outrage, never forget that McConnell and R's have not occupied the lower court seats for years," he said. "These are the seats that are occupied now. Use the rage of today to get people to vote and get rid of these people. Your voice counts. Your vote counts. VOTE!"

President Barack Obama's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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