& # 39; SNL & # 39; opens with Republicans celebrating Kavanaugh vote with a night in the locker room infused with alcohol


There was champagne and cuddles all around the "Saturday Night Live" as the show was a sign of the Republican celebration of confirmation by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

In a parody of the current MLB playoff celebrations, Senators like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham – played for the second week in a row by Kate McKinnon – won a victory round on the fake CNN.

"It was great," said McConnell, played by Beck Bennett. "Fuck Yeah!" Republicans read the state of mind of the country and it could be said that the people really wanted Kavanaugh … men over 50 and men over 70 years old. "

The fake McConnell also described the vote as "historic": "This is undoubtedly Vietnam."

"I'm not pregnant, so who cares?" McKinnon said, like Graham, in a reference to the possibility that Roe v. Wade can be overthrown now that the Supreme Court has five conservative judges.

Susan Collins, who voted for Kavanaugh's confirmation on Saturday, made the impression in a high-profile 45-minute speech on Friday night.

"It's our daughter – our only daughter," said Graham of McKinnon.

To be fair, five women actually voted for Kavanaugh: Sens. Shelley Capito, R-W.Va .; Joni Ernst, R-Iowa; Deb Fischer, R-Neb .; and Cindy Hyde Smith, R-Miss; and Collins.

Kenan Thompson, played by Don Lemon of CNN, referred to the Democrats, where the fake Chuck Schumer said, "The Dems have lost another one, which is what we are doing now."

And then, of course, Joe Manchin, the Democrat who voted for Kavanaugh, passed by him and hit him under the belt.

The Saturday episode, the second of the season, was presented by rapper and actress Awkwafina, star of "Crazy Rich Asians," and featured Travis Scott as a musical guest.

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