Warring said about UFOs in the form of a Black arrow on the British Columbia


Mysterious object flying in the sky back in 2012, but this time the information about it was hidden under the secrecy.

Уорринг заявил об НЛО в форме Черной стрелы над Британской Колумбией


Famous finder of evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations Scott Warring said that on the British Columbia flying UFO in the form of a black arrow. The object was seen near Abbotsford, around it, passed the witnesses, there was a static charge. It is assumed that the aliens could afford thus to illuminate the way. The warringah reiterates that the Earth is not just visited by humanoids, probably trying to make human contact.

Уорринг заявил об НЛО в форме Черной стрелы над Британской Колумбией


Before this UFO again noticed, this time the camera ISS. Near the station flashed a strange object, the origin of which remains unknown. Many have speculated that this mysterious Nibiru, which can eliminate all life on Earth.




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