Carrie Underwood proudly shows a scar on her face in a regression photo


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Carrie Underwood shared a beautiful selfie on Instagram that shows her scar in her face, and fans show her support.

The singer of "Cry Pretty" had a fall in front of her home in November 2017 while she was walking her dogs, which caused her a broken wrist and over 40 stitches in her face.

Now, almost a year later, she proudly shared a photo of #FBF (Flashback Friday) that shows the scar … and how beautiful it is, despite and because of it!

On the photo taken during the filming of her music video "Love Wins", the 35-year-old singer (who recently announced her pregnancy!) Wears a dramatic and brilliant makeup for the eyes.

Above his lips, you can see a scar as a result of his accident. In the comments, you can see hundreds of fans supporting his courage to proudly show his face.

Over the past year, Underwood has slowly begun to talk about his injuries, telling his fans the impact of these injuries on his confidence. She says to have overcome it by remembering that sometimes feeling insecure makes "an integral part of the human being".

"In simple and simple terms, it was just a kind of abnormal accident," she recalls. "At first I have the impression of not knowing how things are going to end," she told Kotb TODAY'S HUI. "It was not just pretty."

Six months after the monstrous crash, the mother of 3 year old Isaiah Fisher made a triumphant comeback on the scene.

What is clear is that Underwood, who wrote a letter to her fans telling her that she was not sure of the outcome of her injuries, decided to show the world that it could not crush her. trust.

"It's crazy as an accident accident can change your life," she wrote in the letter.

Carrie is now one of the many celebrities with scars, including Padma Lakshmi, Tina Fey, Kate Middleton and Catherine Zeta-Jones. We think she's even more beautiful not to be afraid to show it.

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