McDonald's customer shares a video claiming he found "maggots" in a ketchup dispenser


A McDonald's customer was horrified when she pulled ketchup from a fast-food chain retailer and said she found crawling larvae inside.

Bella Ritchie shared a video on her Twitter page featuring "live flies" in ketchup.

She said the revolting images had been shot in a McDonald's in Cambridge.

When writing on Twitter yesterday, she said, "Never approach ketchup again in McDonald's.

"I told a staff member and she literally ignored me and continued to serve the guests.

"We literally had to prevent someone from eating it because they did not realize it – it's so sinister."

In response to the disgusting video, one of Bella's friends wrote: "It's something else."

Another said, "Oh god disgusting!

A spokesman for McDonald's told Sun Online: "We are extremely sorry to see this and we have tried to get in touch with the customer directly.Our condiments area and our distributors should be checked all the days to ensure their cleanliness here. "

This story originally appeared on The Sun. Read more of The Sun's content here.

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