GOP Senator Says His Wife Receives Decapitation Video After Kavanaugh Vote


Sen. Cory GardnerCory Scott GardnerCollins will support Kavanaugh and get enough votes for confirmation. Overnight Energy – Presented by Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance – Trump Ends Wildlife Refugee Law Enforcement Program | Pruitt canceled trips for which he already had tickets for | Senate committee approves new park fund Senate committee decides to renew expired park conservation fund MORE (R-Colo.) Said on Sunday that his wife had received an SMS with a video of a beheading shortly after voting to uphold Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court.

Gardner told Fox News that his wife received the threatening message Saturday, just hours after the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh's vote on 50 votes to 48.

The Colorado Republican also stated that a person had posted online the names and addresses of family members.

Gardner is the last legislator in the GOP to have been targeted by the intimidation tactic known as "doxxing" in recent weeks.

Jackson Cosko, a former Democratic assistant, was arrested last week for publishing confidential information from several Republican senators online.


Capitol police began investigating the trend late last month after the Wikipedia pages of Unidentified senators were edited without their permission to include their restricted personal data such as personal addresses and personal cell phones.

Three of the targeted GOP Senators – Orrin AxThe diary of his hometown, Senator Orrin Grant HatchGOP, tears him for his "medieval attitude towards all women" Tomi Lahren: The protest was "belittled by these feminists who hate men" Conway: Victims of aggression should be angry with their attackers, not with the GOP PLUS Senators (Utah), Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway LeeSenate sends a bill regulating the size of airlines' seats to a former Trump trainee accused of "doxing" GOP Senators at Kavanaugh's hearing on night health care – presented by the National Partnership for Women and Families – The Senate sends an opioid package to Trump's office | Pharmaceutical companies fear Congress of resignation | Premiums for employer plans increase PLUS (Utah) and Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamGraham: Kavanaugh has turned out to be the "stuffed drunk whore" of Ford's story. Winners and losers of the Supreme Court battle The Senate must calm down MORE (S.C.) – all sit on the Judiciary Committee of the Senate.

The anonymous edits of Wikipedia were made while the committee was interviewing Kavanaugh about the allegations of sexual assault against him.

Cosko, who worked as a trainee for Rep. Sheila Jackson LeeSheila Jackson LeeFormer Dem, a resignation collaborator makes her first court appearance for posting information online about GOP Senators. An ex-trainee is accused of "doxing". GOP senators were heard while Kavanaugh heard the Capitol police arrest a suspect. (D-Texas), was returned.

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