Taylor Swift plunges into politics, says Tennessee Dem candidate in the Senate


Singer Taylor Swift became political on Sunday, declaring her support for Tennessee's Democratic candidate in the US Senate, Phil Bredesen.

"In the past, I was reluctant to publicly express my political views, but because of many events in my life and around the world, I have a different feeling in this regard right now," Swift criticized for having been relatively unobtrusive at the 2016 conference. election, wrote in an Instagram post.

Swift stated that she supported Bredesen for the Senate and Jim Cooper for the House of Representatives because she "can not vote for someone who will not want to fight for the dignity of all Americans," he said. it does not matter what color of skin, sex or people they like. "

While Swift said that she would like to continue voting for women, she wrote Republican Republican Marsha Blackburn's vote, "Call me and terrify me."

She criticized Blackburn, Bredesen's rival in the Senate race, for opposing equal pay for women and same-sex marriages, for supporting businesses who refuse to serve homosexuals, and for her vote against re-authorization. the Violence Against Women Act, which protects women from domestic violence.

"These are not my Tennessee values," writes Swift.

Bredesen, who was governor of Tennessee from 2003 to 2011, was pleased with this boost.

"I am honored by your support and that of so many Tennesseans willing to put aside partisan cries and get things done," he said in a tweet.

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