The first woman & # 39; Doctor Who & # 39; Jodie Whittaker debuts for rave reviews


The New York comic-con at Madison Square Garden was crazy Sunday with Broadchurch star Jodie Whittaker, who appeared as the first woman of its kind, Lord Lord, in the opening episode of the cult favorite "Doctor Who". And to top it off, the doctor herself was at home.

The episode, starring Dr. Who's 13th incarnation, debuted via BBC and BBC America on Sunday.

The final date was considered one of the "most complete and rewarding" revisions for the series since it first appeared in Britain in 1963. NPR stated that Whittaker's doctor had "laid the groundwork" while by disengaging itself from the "long shadows projected by the previous doctors". . "A few minutes later, Whittaker" explained that yes, being a woman is perfect for the Doctor, "noted Variety.

Showrunner Chris Chibnall said at Comic Con that Dr. Who comes in all shapes, sizes, shapes, sexualities and ethnicities.

As for the titular character, she collapses through the ceiling of a train attacked by an extraterrestrial force at the beginning of the first episode, "The woman who fell on Earth". As usual, she must think quickly, or at least as a regenerating brain can think. The rest of the story includes a missing girl, a ball of twisting tentacles and an interplanetary dig, among others.

The appearance of Whittaker seemed perfectly timely after the confirmation of the new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. President Donald Trump and his son Donald Jr. have apparently both worried about false accusations of sexual assault against men belonging to women whom the president denigrated as " screaming elevator.

But Whittaker assured people last year, when her debut was announced, that no one should fear Dr. Who who is a woman. "Doctor Who represents all that is exciting about change. Fans have experienced so many changes, and it's only a new, different, not scary, "she told the BBC.

Whittaker also said at that time that the new role "felt completely overwhelming" but also "incredible" as a "feminist, woman, actress, human, as a person who wants to … challenge herself, and not be locked up in what we tell you that you can and can not be. "

Mr. Who's gender revolution has an impact that non-Whovians can hardly imagine. Discover in the video below the testimonials of what the beginning of Whittaker means to the fans.

"We have a voice and we have the right to be heard," Whittaker told Comic Con at a weekend panel, citing the emergence of a woman, Dr. Who. "What is wonderful is the united cape, the united brotherhood, the unified Whohood and the united humanity that we can all embrace."

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