Rodney Harrison in Odell Beckham des Giants: "You have to grow up" because "it's starting to affect young people"


CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Giants Wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. insisted that his explosive remarks during a ESPN camera interview criticizing the Giants and quarterback Eli Manning were a moment of leadership, kindling the fire under his teammates.

Rodney Harrison, two-time Super Bowl winner, does not see it this way.

During Sunday Night's Football Night in America, Harrison did not mince his words in his reviews of how Beckham had handled his critics about Manning, the Giants' ploy, and an organization that came from him. $ 94.5 million over the next five seasons.

"You pay a guy $ 65 million guaranteed," Harrison said on NBC. "You expect him to be a leader or at least a positive influence in this locker room.If you have a problem with a player or with a coach, bring him to the side and talk to him like a man. Nothing positive happens when you bring the media into your locker room.

"We have seen the Giants win Super Bowls and one of the aspects of these Super Bowl teams is that they have shown excellent leadership .They were together. There were no shots in the back, no "me", it was "the team first. "& # 39;"

Odell Beckham slams the Giants; Did he really throw Eli Manning under the bus?

Similarly, although Giants head coach Pat Shurmur was excited that Beckham's comments could galvanize the locker room, Tony Dungy was disappointed that the feeling was shared by the team. national television.

"I was so angry when I watched this interview," Dungy said. "As a head coach for 13 years, my first annual meeting was to tell players," If you have a problem with training, you come to me. My door is open. If you have a problem with your players, we solve it in the locker room. You do not come to the media to air your dirty laundry. & # 39; It was just ridiculous. "

Here is what has been said about Beckham on NBC:

Harrison"I know he's very passionate, but he needs to grow.It's time that he understands that he's a leader, whether he likes it or not." this is starting to affect young people.Sterling Shepard is a very good young player, but now he's starting to act like Odell Beckham Jr. on the sidelines, doing temper tantrums.It's just selfish.It must understand this that he brings to this team.He has young guys who love him. "

Dirty: "He said that he was trying to help, to energize his team.He always talked about what was wrong, who was not doing his job – never a word about "I can do it better, I can help be better." You must be a leader in these situations when your team does not win. "

Mike Tirico "He attacked everyone, shot at his head coach, his match, his quarterback, the city – everything – he's a guy who has a five-year extension, with a guarantee $ 65 million. "

Tirico"These are not guys who have been referenced in an interview 120 times in eight minutes, on average every four seconds, with Lil Wayne sitting there watching him."

Mike Florio: "After the match, Odell Beckham Jr. told the press that he was not sorry about what he said." He seemed to interpret his words as being a "leadership." He had the merit of bring the team together. "

Tirico: "Leadership or" myself? "

Matt Lombardo can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @MattLombardoNFL

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