How Jamal Adams, two defensive games contributed to the crucial victory of the Jets on the Broncos


Jamal Adams had a plan.

The safety of the second-year Jets made headlines last week by announcing that he would run a new meeting reserved for players every Friday until the end of the season.

But this is actually only one of two meetings this week; the other came in 5:41 in the Jock's 34-16 victory over the Broncos on Sunday.

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It was at this point that the Jets defense dropped the opening points of the match, just three games and 20 yards after a breakaway from Bilal Powell. As soon as the defense came on the sidelines, Adams brought the unit together for the second time in three days.

"I just wanted to calm everyone down, dude," said Adams. "At the end of the day, we have already gone through so much adversity, they scored quickly, we returned the ball, so we wanted to go out there and keep them three – obviously that does not matter. It was early in the match and I just wanted to keep everyone together and understand that it's a long game, we have to get together and we kept our cool and we have made stops when we needed them. "

The message seemed to connect; the Jets only allowed three more points in the next three quarters, until the Broncos finally made a touchdown of time with a time remaining at 3:18.

"Once we did this (quick meeting) and went back to the field, we were all driving," said safety Marcus Maye. "We had 11 hat hats, the defense was playing aggressively, and once we get to that point and everybody is on the same wave length, we can be good."

Adams was happy to say that this meeting in the game was a success. And he said the new defense meeting, which he had instituted to improve communication, was also winning.

"It was much better, it was much better," Adams said. "We really went there and communicated well, we understood what they were going to do, we understood the training and we communicated and we played a lot of plays."

Some colleagues at Adams Defense also agreed with his assessment.

Linebacker Darron Lee said the Jets' communication in Jacksonville was the worst he had seen for more than two seasons in the team, but was delighted with the progress made against the Broncos.

"We have focused on this week," Lee said. "Honestly, I do not think it has been of greater importance since I arrived here."

According to Lee, this meeting is something the Jets have wanted to do for a while. But with three games in 11 days to start the season, finding time for that proved a challenge.

Now that the Jets have returned to their normal NFL routine, they make the weekly session a priority.

"One minute can make a difference, man, in just about anything, just to work on it," Adams said. "So we've been better at doing that and it's going to continue, of course, but as long as we communicate and we play football in a healthy way, we can be a good defense."

Matt Stypulkoski can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @M_Stypulkoski. Find Jets on Facebook.

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