Signs of a brewing war between Israel and Hamas and other comments


Right: Is another war between Hamas and Israel imminent?
Signs seem to indicate a fourth armed conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza since 2006, warns Vivian Bercovici comment. The incendiary kites, a Hamas innovation, have burned "about 10,000 acres of agricultural land and nature reserves in Israel in the last six months." In recent days, "there has been an accumulation of troops and ammunition on the Gaza border". by Hamas. The terrorist group is "pressed on several fronts and the only way to gain control, in its game book, is to invite to war" by insisting that peace is only possible in the terms "absurd" Hamas, including the opening of borders with Israel. The war is "like the only option for Hamas. This is the last, most reliable way to distract the miserable masses from "failure to govern".

Political Secretary: Murphy's Risky NJ Economic Plan
Tom Moran, Star-Ledger, asks a specific question: is a government that "is not competent to run trains" smart enough to successfully invest $ 250 million in venture capital projects? This is precisely what Governor Phil Murphy has proposed as a "grand plan" to revive the weak New Jersey economy. Currently, "the major subsidies granted to businesses take the form of tax breaks on the economic activity they generate". In case of failure, no subsidy protects the taxpayers. But Murphy wants to "really invest" taxpayer money "in start-ups." If companies succeed, Jersey will derive a significant profit in terms of income and jobs. If they fail, "the state could lose its investments". But the private sector has already halved these investments in New Jersey over the last decade – suggesting "the core – suggesting" the fundamental problem being New Jersey's rotten business climate, a shortage of venture capital . "

Campaign monitoring: Biden May Face Kavanaugh Fallout
If Joe Biden runs for president, Ed Kilgore of New York says he faces "a bigger problem" than his age (78 in 2020) or his 46 years in Washington. The "most obvious" concerns "the many parallels between the hearings of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh". As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden's role in "the role of ringmaster in the previous saga is hard to forget" and "he has not criticized his conduct behind him", which is why he has come to say that he would like "to be able to do more for Anita Hill". It remains, however, a visible symbol of "the bygone era when the Democratic Party was led by male and white centrists. Kilgore said: The end of Kavanaugh's confirmation saga could not have happened too soon for Joe Biden. "

Foreign Office: Why do Africans like Trump?
A new poll Pew suggests, despite his sometimes nasty tweets about Africa, that President Trump is more popular "than any other continent," says Aidan Hartley Spectator. 56% of Kenyans and 56% of Nigerians consider it positive: "it has a positive influence on world affairs". Like Trump, "many Africans have a very disparaged view of the performance of the United Nations, which has not managed to get millions out of people. poverty and allows peacekeepers who rape children to walk freely. In addition, "it is a private business continent": when Trump told African leaders last year that he had perceived a "huge commercial potential" on the continent and that he had friends "trying to to become rich "there, he spoke a language that many understand. "

Prosecutor: Now, Kavanaugh should pursue them all
There is "no office where a person can find his name after considerable effort has been made and his achievements have been wiped out by unfounded accusations," says L. Lin Wood of Real Clear Politics. But "there is a place where an individual can seek redress and be held accountable for charges that destroy his reputation" – a court. Wood, who represented the Olympic bomber Richard Jewell, wrongly implicated, suggests that Brett Kavanaugh should resort to the courts against his accuser's media facilitators: will be "for generations". Jewell, he said, "never regretted taking legal action and, in doing so, he got justice."

Compiled by Eric Fettmann

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