It's scary how many American fast-food restaurants are eating


It is not surprising that America is a nation of fast food. We all know that we eat a crazy amount of generally unhealthy fast food. But you may not realize how often.

One-third of Americans will eat fast food today, if they have not already stopped for a greasy breakfast at the wheel. According to a new survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6.6% of Americans consume a kind of fast food every day. This means that 37.9% of men and 35.4% of women eat something that your grandmother would not approve of.

The catch, is that all these burgers and fries give us more than just stomach burns. As the CDC warned in its statement, fast food has been linked to a variety of issues, including hypertension and obesity. It also tends to replace the foods we all need: fruits and vegetables.

"We focused on fast food for this report, as fast food has played an important role in the American diet in recent decades," said Cheryl Fryar, first author of the report and health statistician at the CDC. , as noted CNN. "Fast food has been associated with poor diet and increased risk of obesity."

On Monday, April 24, 2017, in the photo archive, company signboards are hanging in a McDonald's restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh. (AP Photo / Keith Srakocic)

The scariest of all this is not just that we are pressed for time and money for lunch. Apparently, this is a daily phenomenon for many Americans.

The report, published by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, showed that 22.7 percent of Americans eat breakfast in a fast-food chain. At lunchtime, 43.7% of Americans choose a quick meal and 42% do so again for dinner. Another 22.8% nibbles a quick snack. Nearly half of men – 48.3% – eat fast foods for lunch each day (only 39.1% of women do so too).

The good news is that the frenzy of fast food is diminishing with age. This number increased from 44.9% of those aged 20 to 39, 37.7% from 40 to 59 and only 24.1% aged 60 and over. Of course, seniors also have more time than the rest of us, some of whom may only have the time to eat while they are in their car and that 's right. they move from one concert to the other, right?

Perhaps the most fascinating nugget of this data snack is that the more money you have, the more likely you are to get your fast food.
Among those whose family income was less than or equal to 130% of the federal poverty line (set at $ 11,770 for a single person or $ 24,250 for a family of four in 2016), 31.7% ate fast-food. food a typical day, the LA Times quoted. Middle-income families (whose income was between 130% and 350% of the poverty line), 36.4% ate fast food on a given day. Among high-income families (those with incomes above 350% of the poverty line), 42% have dined and started fast food.

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