Video: Watch Khabib receive massive hero’s welcome in Russia following UFC 229 win over Conor McGregor


Khabib Nurmagomedov didn’t waste any time in catching a flight back to Russia after submitting Conor McGregor in the main event of UFC 229 to retain his Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Lightweight title last Saturday night (Oct. 6, 2018) in Las Vegas, Nevada (watch it).

Once he touched down, he had over 10,000 fans waiting to greet him inside a football stadium in what truly was a massive homecoming for “The Eagle.” Though it isn’t clear if it’s before or after his father dealt with him for his part in the post-fight melee.

Speaking of his father, Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov joined Khabib on stage where gave a speech and was suddenly bombarded with several eager fans who jumped the barriers and rushed the stage to get a closer look at the 155-pound champion.

The homecoming was a welcome sight for Khabib, who undoubtedly needed a good time to clear his head of the looming legal actions that are sure to come his way after he jumped out of the Octagon to get at Conor’s teammates.

As it stands, Nurmagomedov will not be stripped of his lightweight title, but the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) is still withholding his $2 million payday pending an investigation, which could get cleared up as early as next month.

That said, “The Eagle” will still likely face a lengthy suspension and a hefty monetary fine for his actions. No fret, should he get roped into a rematch against “Notorious,” he will easily make up for the lost funds.

And then some.

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