Tears for Sears, SoftBank and WeWork, HSBC Regulation: Daily CEO October 10, 2018


Korean sanctions

South Korea plans to lift some of its sanctions against North Korea in order to restart peace talks. The South imposed sanctions in 2010 after 45 of its sailors were killed in an attack on a warship. The move would be largely symbolic, as US sanctions mean that the South can not simply revive joint economic projects with the North. Associated press

Acquisition of Apple

Apple bought a Danish company called Spektral at the end of last year, it has now appeared. According to local media reports, the price was about $ 31 million. Spektral develops machine learning technologies for image and video editing. Its software makes it possible to identify elements in images and to remove them from their environment. Nordic9

Human Resources Algorithms

According to a new Reuters report, Amazon has designed an "artificial intelligence" recruitment system that had to be discontinued. After discovering it, the system was biased against the candidates. The problem with machine learning systems such as this one is that they train themselves on existing models, and in this case, Amazon powered the system with the summaries that it had received more than a decade. Most of these requests originated from men and the system itself resulted in discrimination against women. Reuters


Huawei has unveiled some "AI" chips that rival the products of Qualcomm, Samsung, Intel and Nvidia. One is the data centers; the other on devices connected to the Internet-of-Things. Both are designed to process a lot of data very quickly and could help the Chinese company to develop its business activities. CNBC

This edition of CEO Daily has been edited by David Meyer. Find previous editions here and sign up here for other Fortune newsletters.

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