Texan legislator: the GOP faces a financial disadvantage


representative Bill FloresWilliam (Bill) Hose Flores Jordan begins an election campaign for the election of the President of the White House. The White House Council can – and should – bypass Congress to eliminate spending on the Obama era. (R-Texas) warns that Republicans are facing a funding disadvantage in congressional races across Texas.

Flores told Hill.TV, co-host of Buck Sexton, in an interview broadcast Wednesday that Democrats and state progressives are raising awareness among Republicans, despite a fundraiser record in the Texas GOP.

"One of our big challenges is that even though we, Republicans and Conservatives, are collecting record amounts of money, we are really mobilized by the left and the Democrats," said Flores.

"So we have a resource disadvantage that we're going to move on," he added.

Flores represents the 17th congressional district of Texas, which is one of the most Republican districts, not only in the state but also in the country. It ranks 112th among Republican districts nationally, according to the 2018 Voter Cook Index.

Democrats and progressive groups are not content to eliminate the conservatives in Texas House races – a similar trend seems to be also occurring in Senate races in the state.

Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke collected $ 10.4 million from April to June, making him the second-best fundraiser of the election season. Sen. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzTrump praises Kavanaugh's confirmation during the draft rally in Iowa Kavanaugh becomes a new mid-point flash point set by Rourke's anger to appear alone at CNN's town hall. (R) raised $ 4 million over the same period.

But Cruz and O & # Rourke are still on the side, both in polls and in campaign financing.

The latest polls show that Cruz is maintaining a one-digit lead against O. Rourke within one month of election day, Nov. 6.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, O'Rourke has raised $ 23.33 million, compared to $ 23.36 million for Cruz so far.

The Texas Senate race was one of the most watched races this year. A Democrat has not been elected to a state-wide office for more than two decades.

– Tess Bonn

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