Joe Flacco's wife hits his effort as a catcher


Joe Flacco's wife would prefer that he act better than Jay Cutler.

The Baltimore Ravens' quarterback said on Wednesday that his best half of the game had blamed him for his lukewarm approach to a wide line-up when Lamar Jackson took control of the center.

"My wife gave me shit one day, told me that I needed to look more interested," Flacco said, via "But I'm just trying to stay out of this, I'm not comfortable there, I do not have to be too creative."

When Jackson comes in, Flacco splits in half. He draws a defender, but usually does not move. In Sunday's game against the Cleveland Browns, Jackson played five times. During these moments, Flacco barely moved, making at most a step well after the end of the play.

"You can see me, I'm up," Flacco said. "I'm really trying to stay away from everything, that's what I'm told to do, that's what I do."

Defenses do not expect Flacco to get the ball back, so his lack of activity and acting skills is unlikely to affect the game. If a team decides not to cover it once, the Raves will launch the ball. quarter ball.

"He's just luring the tusks to sleep," said running back Alex Collins. "He said he was scared a little earlier, but he could catch a few passes if he did not pay attention to him.It's a good thing.Let him keep fooling them." over there."

Frankly, Flacco's lonely pose is even better than last season's infamous Cutler game in which the Miami quarterback, in the most "Cutler Don's Care" movement of all time – s is holding hands on his hips.

Of course, Flacco and Cutler are better than allegiance to Mark Sanchez's wing. The Jets quarterback shuddered when a Bills DB pretended to hit him, then he tried to block and was finally called for a penalty for sustaining a 18-yard save.

Dang, I miss Sanchize.

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