Russia: the author criticizes a file on Trump, which slams "strange and troubling times"


The former spy, Christopher Steele, wrote to Vanity Fair shortly after being named to the magazine's "2018 New Listing." CNN reviewed a copy of Steele's e-mail, which contained his most political comments since his case attracted international attention in January 2017.

"In these strange and troubling times, it's hard to say unpleasant truths to power, but I believe we all have a duty to do so," Steele said. "I pay tribute to those on your list and to others who have had the courage to express themselves over the past year, often at great expense."

Steele went on to say: "(A) At a time when governance is so flawed and one-sided, as I currently believe in the United States, the media has a vital role to play in empowering it."

The former spy also lamented that because of "the current legal and political situation", he could not attend a Vanity Fair summit in Los Angeles featuring many reporters on the list. Despite the global plot in its history, Steele has avoided public events for fear of his safety.

"I sincerely hope and believe that these circumstances will soon change," added Steele.

The Vanity Fair list features business leaders, media moguls and other rising stars. The special advocate, Robert Mueller, was ranked at the top of the rankings, despite the fact that he may be the least conspicuous person on the list, which includes the social media maven Kylie Jenner and filmmaker JJ Abrams.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also won a spot at number 58. The magazine described Putin as an "electoral spy" who "humbled Donald Trump in Helsinki".

An official at Steele's private intelligence firm in London confirmed to CNN that Steele had sent the email to Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair representatives did not immediately respond to e-mails requesting comments on Wednesday.

Steele's sinuous saga and his record dates back to the 2016 presidential campaign, when a law firm working for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hired an opposition research company. named GPS Fusion to dig Trump's soil. Fusion GPS then hired Steele, who exploited his sources in Russia to gather information on Trump's links with the country.

Steele forwarded his memos to the FBI before the elections and detailed information on his research was later distributed to US intelligence agencies and senior members of Congress. It was only after Trump's victory that the public became aware of the 35-page file, which alleged widespread collusion between his campaign and the Russian government.

Trump and his associates who were named in the case deny any collusion. In the past, US intelligence agencies viewed Steele as a valuable and reliable source of information. Mueller is currently studying electoral interference in Russia and possible collusion between Trump's associates and the Russians.

Since he's become a key player in the investigation of Russia, Steele has remained silent, only speaking in public once to thank his supporters. It was filed in a lawsuit arising from the publication of the file and was interviewed privately by the Mueller team in the summer of 2017.
His critics have been much more vocal. Asset called Steele, a "failed spy", said the charges were "false". Major Republicans of Capitol Hill have seized Steele's links with the Clinton campaign and the FBI to allege a far-reaching plot to prevent Trump's election. Two Republican senators asked the Justice Department to determine whether Steele had lied to the FBI.

Nina dos Santos from CNN contributed to this story.

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