Rand Paul says the toxic policy will kill someone. He has already.


Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Told a Kentucky radio station this week that the bitter division of politics in America was going to lead to "an assassination". He stated in the interview that "someone will be killed and those who resume the conversation (…) must realize that they take responsibility if it leads to violence" .

Paul's comments assume that no one has ever been killed because of the downward spiral of Washington's political climate.

People on social media quickly reminded him of Heather Heyer.

In August 2017, a car struck a crowd protesting against the white supremacist rally called "Unite The Right" in Charlottesville, Virginia. Heyer, a 32-year-old paralegal passionate about social justice, was killed. Nineteen others were injured.

The car that killed Heyer was driven by James Fields Jr., 20, a member of the so-called straight base, whose mother, Samantha Bloom, told AP that he supported President Donald Trump.

"I thought it had something to do with Trump. Trump is not a white supremacist, "said Bloom.

Trump, infamous, has not given up white supremacists for their violence. Instead, he argued that the scrum involved "very good people on both sides".

And Heyer was not the only person mentioned among those who lost their lives in political events. Other people named include Alton Sterling, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland and Stephon Clark, all of color black men killed in clashes with the police.

Trump has a long history of racist comment and has enthusiastically supported police brutality.

Trump did everything to interrogate the birthplace of former President Barack Obama and describe LeBron James as "stupid" to strike the victims of the deadly hurricane of Puerto Rico last year by calling them "politically motivated ungrateful" .

In his radio interview, Paul recalled the shooting that had taken place during a baseball training session at Congress in June 2017, which had almost killed the parliamentary majority whip, Steve Scalise (R-La.) .

This violence, Paul said, is an example of what could happen.

"They are unstable people," he said. "We do not want to encourage them." He added: "We must reduce it and say that we do not encourage it to say that violence is acceptable".

But with the president who says outright that violence is acceptable, the record is likely to rise.

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