Captured fish released later in the water are struggling to feed themselves


The suction system of a fish can be damaged by a hook. Photo credit: David Cheskin / PA Wire
The suction system of a fish can be damaged by a hook. Photo credit: David Cheskin / PA Wire

According to a new study, fishing can be cruel, even if the fish are rejected, because they then have trouble feeding.

The "catch and release" policies have become the norm in many EU lakes and rivers, considered a more humane and vital method for stock conservation.

But scientists now believe that fish caught like salmon and trout injure their mouths and become less able to suck their prey.

The researchers monitored 20 wild-caught rosetins in Canada. Half had been hooked and the other half in a net, and those who had been fed were much less well. Scientists at the University of California Riverside believe this is due to the fact that the hook caused by the hook disrupts the suction system, which works in a manner similar to the way humans aspire for. liquids through a straw.

Irish independent

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