Laura Bush says Jeb was not invited to her daughter's wedding – here's why


In some situations, just draw the line. On Wednesday, accepting an award from the National Archives Foundation, former First Lady Laura Bush declared that Jeb Bush had not been invited to her daughter Barbara's wedding Sunday. But the decision not to invite him certainly does not mean that his family has chosen him.

In fact, People Magazine & # 39; s exclusive coverage, it appears that only 20 people in total were invited to Barbara's secret ceremony and screenwriter Craig Coyne at the Kennebunkport, Maine family home. "It was just our family and Craig's," Laura told journalist Cokie Roberts at the National Archives Foundation gala, according to The New York Post. "And we did not invite Jeb, nor Neil, nor any of these Bush," she said, referring to her husband's brothers. Bustle contacted Laura Bush to comment on the report on the identity of those invited or not.

Even though Jeb, a former Florida governor and presidential candidate for 2016, may have been wiped off the guest list, it appears that the celebration included other close relatives of the Bush family. "They wanted to get married [in Maine] because my grandfather is here, "said Barbara's twin sister, Jenna Hager Bush The show of today Monday. "It was a very secret marriage, a bit like my elusive sister. But also, just the family in a place that means the love of the family, and it was beautiful. "

according to People, Dorothy "Doro" Bush Koch, Jeb's sister, officiated the small ceremony, and Jenna's two daughters, Margaret and Poppy, served as little girls to the flower. "We are excited to have such a small wedding with our family," Barbara told the magazine.

The Bush Estate of Kennebunkport also seems to be of particular importance to Barbara. In addition to being the place where his father spent much of his childhood, Coyne also offered him this summer, tells People. This is where George Sr. proposed to his grandmother, Barbara Bush, almost 75 years ago.

The former Barbara, a widely admired and politically acclaimed figure, passed away last spring. The bride Barbara said People that she had been caught off guard by the death of her grandmother. "Craig could not meet my grandmother," she said. "I thought there would be enough time for this to happen." The couple instead decided to speed up the process of their marriage to ensure that Barbara's grandfather, George Sr. would be present. "In fact, we would have married next week if we could have done it," she said. People. "We just thought, let's do it soon, we knew we wanted to get married – we had already made that decision – so we did not need months of engagement."

The legacy of the elder Barbara was present in the wedding ceremony with a bracelet worn by the bride, a gift from George Sr. to his wife on the occasion of his 70th birthday, did she tells. People. George Jr. also mentioned the connection with his mother in an Instagram post-marriage message. "Barbara owes her name to a unique and strong woman," he writes. "And rightly so, because she is so unique and strong. @Laurawbush and I are so proud of our compassionate, daring, fierce, kind, intelligent and loving daughter, and we are delighted to welcome Craig Coyne into our family. "

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