An Israeli army reservist injured in a stabbing attack in the West Bank – Israel News


Two people were injured during a knife attack Thursday at the entrance to the headquarters of the Shomron regional brigade in the West Bank.

The incident occurred when a gunman attacked an Israeli reservist, aged 32, and escaped. The soldiers opened fire on the attacker and a passerby, a 26-year-old woman, was caught in the crossfire and was slightly injured in the leg. Both victims were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikvah.

The Israeli army is pursuing the assailant, who ran to Huwara, a Palestinian village near Nablus. The army sweeps the area and erected roadblocks.

Last Sunday, a Palestinian man killed two Israelis at a factory in the Barkan industrial zone in the West Bank. The two victims, Ziv Hajbi, 35, and Kim Yehezkel-Levengrond, 29, were put to rest Monday and Sunday.

Ashraf Walid Saliman Neloah, 23, launched a manhunt and gave a colleague a word in which he announced that he was planning to commit suicide. The note led the security forces to conclude that the shooting was a terrorist attack.

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