Can James Gunn bring his brilliant Marvel to DC's Suicide Squad? | Movie


WArner Bros's decision to hire James Gunn, recently ousted, to write a new film about Suicide Squad looks like the Hollywood equivalent of catching fish in a barrel. Gunn was fired by Marvel after republishing, by a vengeful commentator "quite right," very old tweets (though probably obnoxious). And yet, the reputation of the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy as a filmmaker and geek icon remains relatively unblemished.

It was primarily because his cast members were standing firmly (sometimes furiously) behind him, and then because most of Marvel's superfans felt that Disney should have tutured some of Gunn's disgusting attitudes there are more of ten years, then gently offer him a second chance – rather than literally throwing him into the gaping jaws of this horrible psychedelic space-beast of Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The loss of a studio is therefore a gain for another. Yet we were here before, looking at a Marvel icon who had made the jump to DC and who was supposed to achieve great things, but who never managed to mix with creativity in new pastures, as a star footballer who simply can not freeze. with his new teammates, or Batman to the trash in The Powerpuff Girls.

After turning two huge Avengers movies into multiplexes, Joss Whedon had to do great things to DC. In the end, he could not save Zack Snyder's Justice League as a director of "ghosts", following his departure for personal reasons, and finally even saw forced to admit defeat when he was trying to bring a Batgirl movie to the list. big screen.

One would expect Whedon's first failure: Adding humor and brilliance to an episode of the CSEF tasked by his hairy-headed predecessor (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) was always going to be a difficult issue. But we still do not really understand why Whedon could not put forward her expertise and her ability to develop strong female characters in a story of origin for Barbara Gordon, especially given the famous mantra of the "first director "of Warner Bros. DC studio. Filmmaker groaning in the sky about the restrictions he had to face because of the complex position of Age of Ultron in the heart of the Marvel film universe, admitting his defeat when he had carte blanche to direct his animal project.

Whedon is it possible to go back after learning for himself that there is something rotten in the heart of DC? Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman remains the only decent film to emerge from the nascent CSE, and even this movie was hampered by faint special effects in the final battle scenes between the wicked Aries and Diana of Themyscira. Why is everything still on fire in DC's dramatic mega-crises, while Marvel seems perfectly capable of staging fights against backgrounds that do not resemble the seventh layer of Hades?

Choosing the studio's special effects team may seem unfair. But these films are so digitally directed that it becomes a home range. If the Thanos we saw in Guardians of the Galaxy had not been significantly improved by the time we saw it in last year's Avengers: Infinity War, the Russo brothers would never have been able to launch a full movie around the giant purple titan. The idea of ​​a movie as heavy in effect as Guardians of the Galaxy 2 released with weaker digital work under the banner of DC hardly resists the idea.

There is no doubt that Warner Bros needs Gunn, who is staged if he knows how to succeed in the script, to focus on single note characters such as Harley Quinn, Deadshot and Killer Croc in the same way as Marvel fans were warm. Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord. In an ideal world, we would see Suicide Squad get rid of the latent sexism that surrounds Margot Robbie's Quinn and the clumsy plot that ruined David Ayer's movie. Cara Delevingne does not have to come back as a Giant Enchantress, and it could be even better if Gunn started with a brand new team – there was a lot of potential to shake the crew, given the sheer number of villains who live in the DC universe.

Gunn has the courage to stand up to the Warner costumes who have chosen a quick but ill-conceived final cut led by the team behind the popular Suicide Squad trailers compared to the director's version. But he ends up being embarrassed by the simple fact that Marvel is a better studio, it has better effects teams, planning and support teams, and interferes at times – all of this could to say very little.

Gunn may have saved his career by trading a set of prestigious superheroes against one another. Only time will tell if he has chosen the right team.

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