Devin Nunes should get the medal of honor


PResident Trump suggested Thursday morning that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Gets the medal of honor for his research work at the Department of Justice of documents related to the investigation on Russia.

"There was a huge corruption, and I'll tell you what, these people want to get to the bottom of things and I do not think people like Devin Nunez, he should do it, if everything goes as everyone thinks Nunez should win the medal of honor, "Trump told Fox & Friends Thursday morning.

"He should get a very important medal, maybe we'll call it" Freedom Medal "because we've given them a high price to civilians," Trump said Thursday. "He did an amazing job, like Meadows and Jim Jordan, all these people, what they lived, what they lived and they are right."

[Devin Nunes: Rod Rosenstein needs to testify under oath after suggesting he record Trump]

The medal of honor is awarded to men and women of military service, both former and active, who have shown valiantness during the fighting. The President is renowned for appreciating the medal of honor ceremonies and has taken the time to meet many of the living recipients of this honor.

Nunes, along with House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan, and President Mark Meadows, are actively employing documents from the Department of Justice on how the FBI enforced and obtained a warrant under of the law on surveillance of foreign intelligence to wiretaps in the past. Page.

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