Exercise and Cancer; Smarter Mammography; Statins, Vitamin D, Keto, and Cancer


The health benefits of exercise for cancer patients: It's complicated. (Journal of the National Cancer Institute)

Air pollution and the risk of oral cancer: Bad news for mouth breathers. (Journal of Investigative Medicine)

A form of artificial intelligence is presented for distinguishing between indeterminate mammograms involving benign versus malignant growths. (Clinical Cancer Research)

Certain types of aggressive lung cancer and prostate cancer arise from similar molecular changes, meaning they may respond to the same type of treatment. (Science, University of California Los Angeles)

Tobacco control should have a top priority in a national cancer control plan, according to a new report from the American Cancer Society.

The state of the world is one of the highest rates of mortality in the world, and it is one of the lowest rates of mortality in the world. (University of California San Diego, Cancer Prevention Research)

A test that identified cancer-related mutations in saliva or blood could provide an early warning signal for lung cancer. (Journal of Molecular Diagnostics)

A new research letter in JAMA Oncology Dementia and prostate cancer patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy.

A mastectomy for breast cancer does not completely eliminate the need for breast imaging studies and biopsies. (Mount Sinai, Annals of Surgical Oncology)

The search for a more effective triple-negative breast cancer treatment led to a surprising drug. (University of Bradford)

In case you missed it, the benefits of statin drugs beyond heart health – which includes many studies in cancer – remain unproven. (Annals of Internal Medicine)

Experts continue to debate the health benefits – or lack thereof – of vitamin D. (BBC)

The "keto" diet and cancer: Sorting through facts and fiction. (Cancer Treatment Centers of America)

2018-10-11T11: 30: 00-0400

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