The latest video from Boston Dynamics proves that the robot's uprising will be terribly agile


GIF: Boston Dynamics / YouTube

Do you remember videos of Boston Dynamics robots from a few years ago? It was a big problem that robots like Atlas could walk on uneven ground. But Atlas does not stop to cross the milestones, as in this new video that shows Atlas jumping effortlessly over obstacles and hopping on cartons, as it 's in the air. a legend of parkour. The uprising of robots is on the horizon, people. This is not an exercise.

It is no exaggeration to say that Atlas has gone from being subhuman to superhuman in just a few years. As late as January 2016, it was very difficult for robots like Atlas to walk alone on hills. We now see robots like Atlas doing backflips. I can not even do a backflip! In 2015, Atlas still needed a tie to cross the woods well.

Yes, Atlas still makes mistakes once in a while, like last year, when an Atlas robot fell off a floor. But it's something that even humans do. When was the last time you crossed an obstacle course like Atlas?

And all this means nothing of the other Boston Dynamics robots like the SpotMini, which is agile enough to do the dishes, the Handle, which jumps over huge platforms, and the Spot, which can open doors and stay up when he is hit. around.

When I went to DARPA Robotics Challenge in the summer of 2015, one of the most difficult challenges for the teams was to make sure that their robots move autonomously on a rocky and uneven surface. But now these same teams would probably jump their robots over obstacles.

I think we all know where this is going. And it's not good for humanity. Just finish, Atlas. Put us out of our misery.

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