Watch the Boston Dynamics humanoid robot take giant steps, as if nothing has happened – TechCrunch


Two years ago, Boston Dynamics' The humanoid robot Atlas needed a large safety clip to make its way onto a flat hiking trail. Five years ago, he needed a large, locked support structure to keep himself upright.

Now, it is casually that we jump over obstacles that would let many people breathe.

The company introduced the newly discovered hops from Atlas in a video released this morning:

It starts with a small jump on a marble ball before Atlas makes its way through a series of steps of 40 cm (1.3 ft).

Even if a huge heavy robot walking on two feet is a feat that few companies have already cracked, many new challenges are needed. Reassemble the members of the Atlas and cross the march, while transferring weight and momentum appropriately on a foot without everything planted in the face … it is a complex mechanics. Note the jumps on the side and, especially in the 9-second idle cut, the way the hips and feet seem to tilt a bit to compensate.

(For the more curious: Atlas weighs about 180 pounds, as of the last disclosure of the figures by Boston Dynamics.)

At this point, we went from "Haha, neat, look at the funny robot running like a human" to "I'm pretty sure this robot could beat me.

Wondering what the company does here? We talked with Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert about why and why a few months ago at our robotics event in Berkeley. The video is below:

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