Eric Holder doubles down on ‘when they go low, we kick them’ remark: ‘Stop the fake outrage’


Former Attorney General Eric HolderEric Himpton HolderTrump repeats claim without evidence that paid protesters disrupted his rallies Eric Holder: When Republicans go low, ‘we kick them’ Election Countdown: Midterm fight heats up over Kavanaugh | McConnell sees energized base | Dems look to women to retake House | How suburban voters could decide control of Congress | Taylor Swift backs Tennessee Dems | Poll shows Cruz up 5 in Texas MORE on Thursday defended his comments which surfaced earlier this week in which he said when Republicans “go low,” Democrats should “kick them,” calling on critics to “stop the fake outrage.” 

“OK, stop the fake outrage,” Holder, who served in the Obama administration, tweeted. “I’m obviously not advocating violence. (In fact, when I was AG violent crime in the US was historically low.)”

“I’m saying Republicans are undermining our democracy and Democrats need to be tough, proud and stand up for the values we believe in – the end,” he added.

Holder’s defense came a day after video circulated online of the former attorney general speaking at a campaign event for Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D).

“Michelle [Obama] always says, you know, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. When they go low, we kick them.” Holder said. “That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”

Holder later clarified in his speech that he wasn’t advocating for violence. 

But Republicans quickly seized on the comment, with President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump repeats claim without evidence that paid protesters disrupted his rallies Five takeaways from the final Tennessee Senate debate Trump rails against Dems at Pennsylvania rally as Hurricane Michael batters Florida MORE on Thursday accusing Holder of engaging in dangerous rhetoric. 

“He better be careful what he’s wishing for. That’s a disgusting statement for him to make. For him to make a statement like that is a very dangerous statement,” Trump said during an interview on “Fox & Friends.”

The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.Donald (Don) John TrumpAvenatti proposes charity MMA fight with Trump Jr. Michigan Dem ‘thrilled’ Trump Jr. campaigning for GOP Senate hopeful Avenatti hits back at Trump Jr. over Anthony Weiner insult: You’ll be indicted MORE, also said “leftists have really lost touch” in response to the comment. 

Former first lady Michelle ObamaMichelle LeVaughn Robinson ObamaBudowsky: Code red alert to Democrats Overnight Energy: Trump will review UN climate report | EPA chief liked racist Obama meme | Supreme Court rejects appeal of Kavanaugh ruling on greenhouse gases | Exxon puts M behind carbon taxes New EPA chief liked racist Obama memes, retweeted conspiracy theorist MORE also pushed back against Holder’s remarks, saying on “Today” that “fear is not a proper motivator.” 

“Think about how you want your kids to be raised,” Obama said. 

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