Medieval horse rifle slain after being impaled with its own spear


A Virginia man playing horseback in Kentucky with a medieval knight died after apparently unleashing his spear and then being impaled on it, according to his brother.

Peter Barclay, 52, a retired lieutenant colonel, had been performing for 30 years on horseback around the world, his brother John Barclay told ABC News.

Barclay was a veteran member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a group that conducts research and restores the "arts and skills" of medieval Europe from before the 17th century, to the present day. after the group's website.

Barclay told ABC News that the accident that had cost his younger brother's life had happened when his brother's metal spear, which would have served to catch rings and not jousting, had hit the ground and had returned, impaling it under his breastbone.

The late Barclay, who played under the name of "Master Terafan Greydragon," was sort of a Renaissance man, his brother said.



He was a master in everything he did. He was excellent in everything he touched.

"He was a master in everything he did," Barclay said. "He was excellent in everything he touched. He was a rock star – be it jousting, craft beer or serving our country in the Army. "

In a Facebook message, Barclay remembered his little brother by writing "RIP Peter aka: Terafan Greydragon!"

CAS President John Fulton did not immediately respond to a request for comment from ABC News, but he told The Washington Post: "Something happened with this spear, and he lost control or he turned, hit the ground and moving, the end sank into him.

"He got off the horse, took a few steps and people noticed that he was bleeding," Fulton told the newspaper.

On his Facebook page, Barclay said his dead brother had been flown to a nearby medical center, but had died en route.

Hamilton County Coroner Chief Administrator Andrea Hatten said the cause and mode of death were still pending.

Barclay left a wife and two daughters, according to his brother.

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