The ingredients of the e-cigarette can be worse for the lungs than normal cigarettes


A study recently published in the American Journal of Physiology warns that certain additives and flavors in electronic cigarettes can be as harmful as tobacco cigarettes, or worse. The researchers found that the ingredients impaired lung function and increased lung inflammation, but their effects did not last long.

During the study, researchers exposed four groups of mice under four different conditions, including ordinary cigarette smoke, e-cig vapor containing propylene glycol and vegetable glycerol (the two major components electronic liquids), as well as steam containing propylene glycol and nicotine and steam with propylene glycol, nicotine and a tobacco flavor.

The mice in these groups were studied and their effects compared to a control group exposed to medical grade air. The researchers found that after three days, mice exposed to three varieties of electronic cigarette vapors exhibited increased mucus and inflammation, as well as impaired lung function.

The team noted that the propylene-exposed group had fewer side effects from long-term exposure, indicating that it could cause problems only very early. The study also revealed that inflammation-related proteins only increased in the group exposed to flavoring, which means that certain flavoring compounds could be harmful to the lungs, even in cases of inflammation. 39, short-term exposure.

Note that the team found that oxidative stress in mice exposed to the aroma was equal to or greater than that of mice exposed to cigarette smoke. Prolonged exposure, however, only affected the lung function of mice exposed to smoke and not to steam.

SOURCE: EurekAlert

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