Forecast for the week (from Saturday, October 13 to Friday, October 19) – Daily Mirror


Aries (Mesha):

A weakened sun in your 7th house from October 17th, combined with both Venus and Mercury, is very favorable. Pride and prejudice will not interfere with your judgment. The imminent entry of Jupiter into your 8th house warns you to avoid unnecessary trips. Pay attention to your diet. You are prone to indigestion and liver problems. A happy family life, gains and honors from foreign sources and a high recognition in society are waiting for you with Swakshetra Venus at the 7th house. You must pay special attention to the health and safety of your mother. Lagnadhipati March exalted in your 10th House is a success in companies that require bold decisions.

Bull (Vrushabha):

The sun that must enter your 6th house on October 17th can bring you power, influence and authority. The right time has come for you to form business partnerships. You can expect marital bliss, a happy family life and a very prosperous time with Jupiter entering your 7th home. Sun, in the 5th house, shows the benefits of school activities, children's happiness and honors, as well as the recognition of efforts and achievements in the arts, sciences and sports. It's time for you to take risks and make bold decisions. Healthy health, successful exams and competitions, and fun times are all on the table thanks to Swakshetra Venus from the 6th Chamber.

Gemini (Mithuna):

You must pay attention to your health because of the adverse influence of the sun due to the 5th House. A new career opportunity will present itself to you, not to be missed, thanks to Jupiter in your 6th House. Gains and problems are on the cards. Control your expenses, avoid unnecessary trips and speculations. Mercury exalted with the sun in the 4th house can bring you success in your studies, in your comfort of life and in the acquisition of a vehicle or housing. The successes and achievements in the academic and scientific efforts and the happiness of the children are ensured by the conjunction Venus – Mercury in the Vth House. Exalted March, in the 8th House, enjoys good health, partnership gains and legacies from the dead.

Cancer (Kataka):

You are prone to digestive problems with Sun due in your 4th home. Jupiter presents in your fifth bedroom a happy time in the workplace and an increase in income, announcing a generally favorable time for you. The marital prospects of young single men and women are very promising. Good health, financial stability and good relations with brothers and sisters, colleagues and neighbors are ensured by the powerful Sun of the 3rd Chamber. You must be aware of your honor and reputation if you use Rahu Maha Dasa. The improvement of amorous comfort, the acquisition of a vehicle or a real estate, the passing of exams and a happy family life are ensured by the combination Venus – Mercury in the 4th House. Powerful Mars in the 7th House can bring you a career boost as well as honors.

Leo (Sinha):

Aboriginal people active in politics can expect increased popularity and fame with Sun, who is expected to be elected to the 3rd House. However, be especially careful to protect your honor and reputation as Jupiter enters your 4th home, which also tells you that you need to be on the safe side at work, traveling or with friends. There will be challenges ahead. But you have the power and the resources to deal with it successfully. The powerful Venus and Mercury, in the 3rd Chamber, guarantee success in all projects, a good time with brothers and colleagues and good health. The high political functions, the success in the competitions and the competitions as well as the raised hand on the enemies and the rivals are with the rendezvous with a Mars very favorable to the 6th Chamber.

Virgin (Kanya):

Cordial relationships and better understanding with all are meant by Sun in your 2nd home. A happy family life and a change of residence are indicated by Jupiter in your 3rd house. Although Jupiter is not very strong in the new House, its advantage over the 5th, 7th and 9th bedroom can bring a host of benefits. Trips abroad are in reserve for some natives. Glory, state patronage, increased corporate income, investment and other economic activities are defended by the Rahu in the eleventh chamber. Enhanced living comfort as well as respect for society and popularity are forthcoming. Honors and recognition in sports, martial sports and a moment of fun and rejoicing are coming with a mighty March in the Fifth House.

Balance (Thula):

A sun weakened due to Lagna will impregnate you of humility and disinterestedness, which will allow you to improve the relations with the others. The birth of a son for those who are married and marriage for young singles and girls are indicated by Jupiter who must give you a time of abundance and prosperity. You will have all the comfort and luxury at your disposal. A new job or career increase and passing the exams are also indicated. A pilgrimage to a distant sanctuary is possible. Mars in the 4th House offers many benefits, such as success in competitions and competitions, cordial relations with loved ones and acquisition of land, property and vehicles.

Scorpion (Vrushika):

You are likely to develop an altruistic and religious inclination with Sun in your 12th house. Jupiter in Lagna has a time when you will gain honor, respect, status rather than material success. The time allowed is favorable for trips abroad, scholarly activities and spiritual activities, but unfavorable for parents. A strong Venus with Mercury in the 12th House makes you frugal and imbues you with insight, an acute perception and a positive outlook. The high political and executive positions are assumed by the exalted Mars in the 3rd House.

Sagittarius (Dhanu):

Honorable honors, a happy time at work and an increase in income are indicated by Sun in the 11th House. A new job is in sight as your Lagnadhipati Jupiter will enter your 12th room on 11th October. Although it is not favorable in this House, its appearance on the 4th and 6th rooms will bring you many advantages. Beware of the enemy's machinations and stay away from litigation. An increase in wealth, a good social time, the help of his friends and the success of his career are assured by a strong Venus at the Eleventh House.

Capricorn (Makara):

If you do politics, you can expect a period of popularity and prestige with Sun to be held soon in your 10th House. Meanwhile, the glory, honor and fulfillment of aspirations, as well as a very good financial moment, are to be expected with Jupiter in your Eleventh House. General prosperity, superior status, remunerative fares and successes in higher education are ensured by a strong Venus with Mercury in the 10th chamber. You are subject to skin diseases. Exalted Mars in the Lagna imbues you with courage and self-confidence and dynamism.

Aquarius (Kumbha):

You must pay attention to your health because of Sun because of your 9th House. Jupiter must fall asleep in your 10th House, a place where he will not be comfortable. You can face career problems, but you will soon solve them. A powerful Venus with Mercury in the 9th house can bring you wealth, partnership gains, legacies, good health and happiness in general. High yields from mining and agricultural activities are shown. Exalted Mars in the 12th House imbues you with a positive outlook, a perception and a keen sense of insight.

Fishes (Meena):

Heavy expenses and increased expenses are probably due to Sun because of your 8th house. You will benefit the most from the entry of Jupiter in the 9th house. A swell of time is coming for you with wealth, good health and notoriety. Gaming activities and speculative trading can bring more gains. The strong Venus – Mercury combination in the 8th bedroom means good health, unexpected legacies and marital bliss. An exalted March in the 11th House brings financial gains and commercial success.

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