Hillary Clinton shreds last conspiracy claim for Donald Trump's Wild Collusion


Hillary Clinton does not have time to talk about President Donald Trump's latest complaint of collusion.

"There was collusion between Hillary, the Democrats and Russia," Trump said as her supporters chanted "shut up" at a rally on Wednesday. "There was a lot of collusion with them and Russia and a lot of other people."

The former secretary of state replied on Twitter Thursday.

In less than six hours, the tweet has generated more than 200,000 "likes" and nearly 60,000 "retweets".

Clinton was referring to a press conference in July 2016 in which Trump had directly called on Russia to get deleted emails from his secretary of state position.

"Russia, if you listen, I hope you will be able to find the 30,000 missing e-mails," he said. "I think you will probably be rewarded with power by our press."

An indictment issued this summer by a grand jury made up of special advocate Robert Mueller, indicates that Russian agents attempted to break several Clinton-related accounts for the first time later in the day.

Mueller investigates Russia's interference in the 2016 elections, including allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Trump called the probe "illegal" and has repeatedly referred to it as "witch hunt".

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